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词汇 daddy
例句 Go and get your daddy for me.去把你爸爸给我叫过来。Was your daddy heartbroken when they got a divorce?他们离婚时你爸爸是不是很伤心?Where's your daddy?你爸爸在哪儿?I had warned the children that daddy was on the warpath.我警告过孩子们爸爸就要大发雷霆了。Why don't you show your daddy your picture?你为什么不给爸爸看看你画的画呢?Quickly now, you two, daddy's waiting in the car!你们俩快点,爸爸在车里等着呢!She wanted her mummy and daddy.她想要她的妈妈和爸爸。Your mummy and daddy are out, there's just me here.你爸妈出门了,只有我在这里。Don't touch! That's daddy's work.别碰!那是爸爸工作的东西。She never forgets her daddy's birthday.她从来不会忘记老爸的生日。Gordon Brown is the daddy of Scottish Labour, and what he says goes.戈登·布朗是苏格兰工党的老大,说一不二。Where's my daddy?我爸爸在哪儿?She's on the lookout for a new sugar daddy.她在寻找新的糖老爹。My daddy is a truck driver.我爸爸是卡车司机。Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith's sugar daddy in the film.影片中约翰·古德曼饰演梅兰尼·格利菲斯的甜爹。Leave daddy's camera alone - it isn't a toy!别碰爸爸的照相机——它不是玩具!Doing this will prove you're not just a mindless clotheshorse with daddy's platinum card.这么做将证明你并非只是一个手拿父亲的白金信用卡、只会穿衣打扮的脑残。




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