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词汇 豆子
例句 Could you top and tail the beans for me?你能帮我摘掉豆子的头尾部分吗?She soaked the beans before cooking them.她把豆子浸泡后才煮。Sprinkle the cheese over the beans.豆子上撒些干酪。The seeds can be eaten whole or ground in a coffee grinder.这些豆子可以整个吃,也可以用咖啡机磨成粉。It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.只要几天豆子就能发芽。We ate rice and beans for dinner.我们正餐吃的是米饭和豆子She prodded a bean with her fork.她用叉子戳住一颗豆子They subsist on eggs and beans most of the time.他们大多数时候都靠鸡蛋和豆子为生。He emptied a can of beans into the pan.他把一罐豆子倒在平底锅里。Peanuts, fish and pulses are rich in protein.花生米,鱼和豆子含有丰富的蛋白质。I started cropping my beans in July.我七月开始收豆子Soak the beans overnight before cooking.烹调前,先把豆子泡一晚。Many of the peasants survive on tiny plots of corn and beans.许多农民靠着小片地上种的玉米和豆子勉强维持生计。We're growing tomatoes and beans in our garden this year.今年,我们会在菜园里种些西红柿和豆子She ordered the full monty: sausages, eggs, chips, and beans.她点了所有能点的食品:香肠、蛋、炸薯片,还有豆子I eat a lot of beans, lentils and vegetables, which are nutritious but cheap.我吃许多豆子、小扁豆和蔬菜,这些东西营养丰富且价格便宜。I ate three heaping platefuls of rice and beans.我吃了满满三大盘米饭和豆子Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup.豆子彻底控干,并把滤出的豆汁留下做汤。Most dried beans need a soak before they're cooked.大多数干豆子在烹饪之前都需要浸泡。Sprinkle the cheese over the beans.把奶酪撒在豆子上面。Try not to overcook the beans, or better yet eat them raw.别把豆子煮过头了,要不干脆生吃。Leave the beans to soak overnight.豆子浸泡一夜。He ate a simple dinner of rice and beans.他晚饭吃得很简单,米饭加豆子Stir the mixture to prevent the beans sticking to the bottom during cooking.烹制过程中搅一搅食材,以免豆子粘到锅底上。Cut the beans in half lengthways.豆子沿纵向切成两半。Beans and lentils are a very good source of protein.豆子和扁豆是非常好的蛋白质来源。Among his purchases were several tins of beans.在他购买的东西里有几罐豆子The explorers lived on a monotonous diet of beans and rice.探险者靠吃豆子和米饭这些单调的食物为生。Store the beans in an airtight jar.豆子储存在密封罐内。The beans will only germinate if the temperature is warm enough.豆子只有在温度足够高时才会发芽。Soak the beans overnight in cold water.豆子放在冷水里浸一夜。They lived frugally off a diet of beans and lentils.他们生活节俭,只吃豆子和小扁豆。When the beans have cooked long enough to be tender, drain off the water and set them aside.豆子经过长时间烹饪变软后,控干水分放在一旁备用。The beans soaked in water overnight.这些豆子在水里泡了一夜。Mrs Franz sat on the step, shelling peas with her wrinkled old hands.弗朗兹太太坐在台阶上,用她那布满皱纹的苍老的双手剥着豆子Ann's mother asked her to dish out the beans.安的母亲叫她把豆子从大盘里舀给各人。I've found a tin of beans. So far so good, but where is the tin opener?我找到了一听豆子。到现在为止一切还不错。但罐头起子在哪儿呢?Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.肉豆蔻、西芹和苹果酒都能很好地突出这些豆子的味道。This recipe makes four servings of rice and beans.这个菜谱做的是四人份的米饭和豆子Boil the beans for ten minutes and then remove the tough outer skin.豆子煮十分钟,然后去掉坚硬的外壳。




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