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词汇 大声喊叫
例句 He shouted over the rising clamour of voices.他在越来越嘈杂的人声中大声喊叫He wanted to jump up and run outside, screaming like a madman.他想跳起来跑出去,像个疯子一样大声喊叫一番。They cried out despairingly.他们绝望地大声喊叫There's no need to shout, I can hear you.没有必要大声喊叫,我完全听得见。I called out but there was no reply.大声喊叫,可是没人回应。She was screaming like a maniac.她像疯子一样大声喊叫He started to get aggressive and began to shout.他开始变得气势汹汹,还大声喊叫起来。We had to shout over the noise of the traffic.在喧闹的交通噪声中我们不得不大声喊叫The room was filled with angry people shouting and gesturing.房间里挤满了愤怒的人,他们大声喊叫着,做出各种手势。She pressed the megaphone to her lips and bellowed.她将话筒压近自己的嘴唇,然后大声喊叫The kids screamed in delight as they chased one another around the park.孩子们在公园追逐嬉戏,快乐地大声喊叫As he received each blow, he writhed on the floor and cried out.他每挨一拳就在地板上扭动,并且大声喊叫Her screams brought the neighbors running. 大声喊叫,引得邻居们都跑来帮忙。He screamed at/for her to stop.他朝她大声喊叫,让她停下。John tightened his grip until she cried out.约翰越捏越紧,直到她痛得大声喊叫His mother admonished him for shouting.他妈妈责备他大声喊叫She called out in a rapturous effervescence of expectation and excitement.她在期待和兴奋的狂喜中大声喊叫起来。She had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.她只有大声喊叫才能盖过音乐声让别人听到她的声音。I heard Amy cry out in fright.我听到埃米惊恐地大声喊叫Outside in the street, car doors slammed and people were shouting.在外面街道上,车门被猛力关上,人们在大声喊叫I heard her scream and ran to help.我听到了她的大声喊叫,就跑去帮她。I was crying out of frustration.我因愤懑沮丧而大声喊叫Before the game everyone gets psyched up and starts shouting.比赛前每个人都亢奋起来,开始大声喊叫着为自己打气。He had to shout over the racket.他不得不大声喊叫以盖过噪声。He had to shout to make himself heard above the near gale-force wind.在呼啸的大风中他得大声喊叫才能让别人听见。The boys took up the cry till the mountain rang.男孩们你呼我应地大声喊叫,直到满山响彻回声。It was so noisy that everyone had to shout.周围太吵了,每个人都得大声喊叫才行。Her screams brought help.大声喊叫,引来人们帮忙。Someone howled out my name.有人大声喊叫我的名字。




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