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词汇 大声地
例句 The crow cawed as loudly as she could.这只乌鸦尽力大声地呱呱叫。I called out to him, but he was lost in thought.大声地喊他,但他正陷入沉思中。Michelle shouted out a greeting from across the room.米歇尔从房间那边大声地打招呼。Carrie laughed out loud, and there was an awkward silence.卡丽大声地笑了出来,接着便是一阵尴尬的沉默。She took out her handkerchief and blew her nose loudly.她掏出手帕大声地擤鼻涕。He yelled out orders at everyone.大声地对每个人下命令。Two of the shop assistants were complaining loudly within earshot of the customers.其中两名店员就在顾客能听到的地方大声地抱怨着。He jumped to his feet and called out a greeting.他跳起来大声地打招呼。He burped loudly, and she turned her face away in disgust.大声地打着嗝,她厌恶地转过脸去。The woman spat and shouted insults as they passed by.他们路过时那个女人吐着唾沫,大声地谩骂着。The dog gave a loud bark.那条狗大声地吠叫。A radio was blasting music in the next room.隔壁房间的收音机正大声地放着音乐。A great yell went up from the crowd. Liverpool had scored.人群大声地叫了起来,利物浦队得分了。Someone sneezed loudly at the back of the hall.有人在礼堂后面大声地打喷嚏。Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid.其中一些灾民大声地抱怨紧急援助物资分配不公。He bent his face over the steaming bowl and slurped loudly.他脸朝下凑着冒热气的碗大声地喝了起来。A large, boisterous crowd poured into the bar, singing and shouting noisily.一大群闹哄哄的人拥进酒吧,大声地唱着叫着。He tried to direct the video like a fashion show, bawling instructions to the girls.他导演那段录像时大声地指挥着那些女孩子,好像在搞一场时装表演似的。She strode purposefully to the door and knocked loudly.她坚定地大步走到门前,大声地敲起门来。Everyone else laughed loudly, but I didn't see the joke.其他人都在大声地笑,而我却不知道他们在笑什么。He picked up the letter and began to read it aloud.他拿起信大声地念了起来。Kids were yapping in the back of the room.孩子们在房间后面大声地嚷嚷着。The music blaring in the bar was forcing us both to yell to be heard.酒吧里高声刺耳的音乐迫使我们俩要大声地叫着说话才能让对方听到。Charlie burped loudly.查利大声地打嗝。She was belting out old Broadway favourites.她在大声地唱着百老汇的经典老歌。The teacher would read aloud to the group.老师会大声地念给全组听。I'm sorry that I shouted at you.对不起,我那么大声地对你说话。She shut the book loudly.大声地合上书。Pop music blasted out from her radio.她的收音机大声地播放着流行音乐。She read out the names on the list.大声地把名单上的名字念了出来。The plump ginger kitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.胖乎乎的姜黄色小猫惬意地躺在她的怀里,大声地打着呼噜。She called out to me in a loud voice.大声地叫我。The music was so loud that I had to shout.音乐很响,我只能大声地喊。An older man tried to shout him down.一位年纪稍大的人大声地喊着,想要盖过他的声音。She pondered aloud the question of what should be done.大声地自言自语应该怎么办。The sergeant was bellowing orders.中士在大声地发号施令。




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