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词汇 谦逊
例句 People are surprised by what an unpretentious, down-to-earth guy he really is.他实际上是一个谦逊务实的人,这令人们都很惊讶。It is hard to be humble, and nobody is pure.谦逊已属不易,纯洁更是难求。He is unusually modest for a man who is so famous and successful.对于像他那样功成名就的人来说,他的谦逊实属罕见。Others will tell you that she is modest to a fault, funny, clever and warm.别人会告诉你她有趣、聪明又热情,谦逊得过了头。He is known for his modesty, an uncommon characteristic for a politician.他以谦逊著称,而这一品质在从政者身上并不多见。Their daughter's death had taught them humility.女儿去世使他们懂得了做人要谦逊He comports himself with modesty.他举止谦逊He plays the character with tremendous concentration combined with a pleasing modesty.他在扮演这个人物时极其投入,而且态度很好,很谦逊Above all, they esteem her down-to-earth ways.首先他们看重她朴实谦逊的作风。He was modest about his army career.他对自己在部队的经历很是谦逊Hannah is a natural musician, although modesty forbids her to say so.汉娜是天生的音乐家,尽管她出于谦逊并没有这样说。He bowed and accepted the applause with pleasant modesty.他鞠了一躬,并以令人愉快的谦逊态度接受人们的欢呼。With uncharacteristic modesty, Will explained his contribution to the development of the film medium.威尔以难得的谦逊态度阐述了他对电影媒介的发展所作出的贡献。I think he is a very humble person.我认为他是一个很谦逊的人。Beneath his quiet unassuming manner there lies considerable strength.在他文静谦逊的举止背后蕴藏着惊人的力量。Joe was humble and diffident about his own success.乔很谦逊,不愿谈及自己的成就。I often see her in the library. She's such a nice, unassuming person.我常常在图书馆见到她。她真是个和善谦逊的人。He was small and to all appearances very modest.他身材矮小,看起来很谦逊He was the most self-effacing of men - the last thing he would have relished was a eulogy.他为人极其谦逊,最不喜听颂词。The ordeal taught her humility.那次严酷的考验教会她谦逊The President now seems a more chastened and less confident politician.总统如今似乎是一个多了几分谦逊少了几分自信的政治家。Our confidence must be tempered with a lowly and humble spirit.我们的自信中一定要有谦逊的精神。His unassuming manner concealed an iron will.他那谦逊的态度背后是钢铁般的意志。She received the praise with becoming modesty.谦逊得体地接受了赞誉。He was too modest to claim the credit.他太谦逊,不愿意邀功。By now Chapman was famous, but on a social level he remained as unassuming as ever.查普曼现在是名人了,但他接人待物还是一如既往地谦逊He's easygoing and unpretentious.他随和又谦逊He spoke of his work in a deprecating tone.说起自己的工作,他十分谦逊They all found it a salutary and a chastening experience.他们都觉得这是一次磨炼人的、使人谦逊的经历。Umbria is a wonderful region, where life is simple and the people are unpretentious country folk.翁布里亚是个令人神往的地区,那里的生活朴素,居民都是谦逊的乡下人。Andy was a humble, courteous and gentle man.安迪是个谦逊而且彬彬有礼的绅士。She spoke with characteristic modesty.她以特有的谦逊口吻讲话。The sign of Aquarius paradoxically celebrates the humble individual.矛盾的是,宝瓶宫赞赏谦逊之人。They might be very rich, but it wouldn't hurt them to show a little humility.他们可能非常富有,但是表现得稍谦逊一点儿对他们不会有什么害处。I found her unpretentiousness to be refreshing.我发现她谦逊的风格令人耳目一新。Humility is an admirable trait. 谦逊是一种令人钦佩的品德。Their daughter's death had taught him humility.他们女儿的死使他学会了谦逊He needs to humble himself and ask for their forgiveness.他需要谦逊点,请求他们的原谅。




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