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词汇 蔓延
例句 The city's problems are symptomatic of the crisis spreading throughout the country.该市的问题是正在全国蔓延的危机征候的显现。Famine stalked through the country.那个国家饥荒蔓延The fire spread when burning gasoline trickled from the car toward other vehicles.这辆车上滴出的燃烧着的汽油流向别的汽车,火就蔓延开来了。The violence was widely viewed as a spillover from the neighbouring region.人们普遍认为暴力事件是由邻近地区蔓延而来。The disease was spreading more rapidly than expected.疾病的蔓延比想象中还要快。The fire was closing in on their neighborhood.大火正在向他们附近的地区蔓延There is a growing concern about the spread of AIDS among drug users.艾滋病在吸毒者中蔓延越来越引起人们的关注了。The editorial criticizes the draconian measures being taken to control the spread of the disease.社论批评了为控制疾病蔓延而采取的严苛措施。The only way to curb the spread of the disease is by immunizing the entire population.控制疾病蔓延的唯一途径是让所有人都接种疫苗。Immigrant plants are sweeping through the Cape of Africa, threatening to strangle the region's prized bush vegetation.外来植物正在非洲好望角蔓延,对该地区珍贵的灌木植被存活形成威胁。The epidemic is accelerating dramatically.该流行病正以惊人的速度蔓延More troops are being lifted into the area as the fighting spreads.随着战火的蔓延,更多的军队被空运到这个地区。The fire was raging but we managed to beat it out.火势不断蔓延,但我们最终将它扑灭了。They want to prevent a spillover of refugees into neighbouring territories.他们想要防止难民潮蔓延至邻近地区。The flames were creeping along the corridor behind him.火苗在他身后沿着走廊蔓延开来。They took action to prevent the disease from spreading.他们采取行动以防止疾病蔓延The virus can run riot through your body.病毒会在你的体内蔓延滋生。We think it's an inevitability that the fire will spread.我们认为大火必定会蔓延Racial tension boiled over in the inner city riots which spread across the nation last week.市中心贫民区的暴乱致使种族间的紧张局势白热化,并于上周蔓延至全国。The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.几百年前始于欧洲的工业革命目前正在全世界蔓延Poverty and disease stalked through the country.贫困与疾病在全国蔓延Religious fundamentalism was spreading in the region.宗教原教旨主义正在这一地区蔓延The city's problems are symptomatic of the crisis that is spreading throughout the country.该市的问题是正在全国蔓延的危机的征兆显现。An epidemic was tearing through the region.流行病迅速在这一区域蔓延She breathed in the heady atmosphere of power.她呼吸着令人飘飘然的蔓延着权力的气息。None of the measures taken by the government have succeeded in reducing the spread of violent crime.政府采取的这些举措都未能缓和暴力犯罪事件的蔓延Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.传染病正在很多洪灾灾民中蔓延He watched the dark stain spread over the gray carpet.他看着黑色的污迹在灰色的地毯上蔓延开去。The field extends upslope away from the water.田地从水边向山坡上蔓延In the last two weeks, the situation has become more serious, with riots and strikes spreading across the country.在过去两周内,情况越来越严重,暴乱和罢工向全国各地蔓延The disease spread rapidly throughout Europe.疾病迅速在整个欧洲蔓延开来。A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.一阵盲目的恐慌在市民中蔓延They still do not know how to prevent the spread of the disease.他们仍然不知道如何阻止这种疾病的蔓延The disease spread through the poorer sections of the city.这种病在该市较贫穷的地区蔓延Sickness was rampant in the area.该地区疾病蔓延An epidemic of flu rushed the doctors off their feet.流感蔓延,大夫们疲于奔命。Our immediate concern was to prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings.我们的当务之急是阻止火势向其他建筑物蔓延The violence in the North could spread down here.北方的暴力行为可能向南蔓延到这里。In Peru, a cholera outbreak continues to spread.秘鲁的霍乱疫情持续蔓延One of the biggest tasks will be to control the spread of malaria.最大的任务之一就是控制疟疾的蔓延




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