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词汇 谜团
例句 We need witnesses to fill in the missing pieces of the jigsaw.在这个错综复杂的谜团里我们还缺少证人。Officials hope the Navy will solve the mystery of four bombs that are missing from the wreckage of a military jet.官员希望海军能够解开军用喷气飞机残骸中四枚炸弹失踪的谜团Scientists have cracked an ancient mystery using new technology.科学家们运用新技术,找到了破解古老谜团的方法。A first rule in solving any mystery is to check the facts.揭开谜团的第一条规则是核查事实。The police haven't yet found a solution to this crime/mystery.警方还无法侦破这起案件/解释这个谜团She untangled the mystery.她破解了这个谜团She took a whack at solving the puzzle.她试图解开这个谜团We were determined to find the truth behind this mystery.我们下定决心要查出谜团背后的真相。Another piece of the puzzle fell into place.谜团的另一个疑点变得明朗起来。The mystery/crime has been solved.这个谜团/这起犯罪案已被弄清楚。The puzzle niggled away in Arnold's mind.这个谜团在阿诺德脑海里挥之不去。How life began on Earth is one of the great mysteries of science.地球上的生命是如何开始的是一大科学谜团If you would only explain me the mystery I should be vastly obliged.只要你肯对我解释一下这个谜团,我会不胜感激的。The family's secret remained hidden/shrouded in darkness and mystery.这个家族的秘密仍然是一个不为人知的谜团By pure accident he had come across the very man who could solve the mystery.他碰巧遇到了那个能够解开这一谜团的人。A new witness may provide the key to the mystery.一个新的目击者也许能提供解开谜团的关键线索。The pieces of the puzzle/mystery are finally starting to fall into place.这个谜团/秘密的零散信息终于开始明朗起来。It was easy to believe that the house held some great mystery.人们很容易相信这所房子藏有某个极大的谜团The find left archaeologists with a puzzle.这个发现给考古学家留下了一个谜团They're trying to solve the puzzle of how gravity works.他们在尝试解开重力是如何起作用的谜团As I studied more about their past, I became more puzzled, and the enigma expanded.随着我对他们的过去研究更多,我更加感到迷惑不解,谜团扩大了。Scientists have unravelled the mystery surrounding the death of King Herod.科学家解开了希律王之死的谜团One of the mysteries of our times is why some oil-rich countries have so many poor living in them.我们这个时代的谜团之一是为什么一些盛产石油的国度里生活着这么多穷人。I could explode some of the myths about him.我可以解开一些关于他的谜团Traces of explosives found among the wreckage were the key to the puzzle.在残骸中找到的少许爆炸物是解开这个谜团的关键。Four years after the event, the scientist's suicide remains a complete mystery.该科学家自杀四年之后,真相仍然是一个谜团I had to cheat in order to solve the puzzle.为解开这个谜团我不得不做了些手脚。We are islanded in the midst of the great mystery.我们堕入这个大谜团之中,茫然不着边际。We set out to find the truth behind the mystery.我们开始着手揭开谜团背后的真相。The book gives the reader plenty of clues to solve the mystery.这本书为读者提供了大量揭开谜团的线索。Fortunately, the next step in the research process supplied the missing piece of the puzzle.幸运的是,研究进程中的下一步提供了谜团中所缺失的那一部分。The question/mystery remains: who fired the shot?疑问/谜团尚未解开:谁开的枪?




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