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词汇 bat
例句 Smith was first to bat for Warwickshire.史密斯第一个为沃里克郡队击球。The victim had been hit with a baseball bat.受害者被人用棒球棒殴打。Senators will go to bat for companies that pay lots of taxes.参议员们会支持那些是交税大户的公司。I do believe in playing a straight bat with information.我由衷地认为对信息不能弄虚作假。It's your turn to bat.轮到你击球了。The robbers hit him over the head with a baseball bat.劫匪用棒球球棒击打他的头部。He got a home run on his first time at bat.他首次击球就打出了一个本垒打。I could tell it was fake right off the bat. 我一眼就能看出这是假货。Didn't you see me coming? You must be as blind as a bat!没看到我过来吗?你一定是眼睛瞎了!I drove like a bat out of hell to the hospital.我飞快地开车赶往医院。I had bolted the door the instant I had seen the bat.我一看到蝙蝠就把门闩上了。India won the toss and put England in to bat.抛硬币猜正反面印度队赢了,让英格兰队首先击球。It's her turn to bat.轮到她击球了。The wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous structures.蝙蝠的翅膀和人类的手臂是相应的同源结构。Hick went in to bat after Hussain.希克在侯赛因之后击球。He hit the ball right on the meat of the bat.他用球棒最粗的地方击中了球。His bat just tipped the ball.他的球棒只轻轻触到了球。Without glasses I'm blind as a bat.我不戴眼镜简直跟盲人一样。He busted the side window with a bat.他用球棒击碎了边侧的窗玻璃。It was time to consign his bat and glove to the cupboard.是把他的球棒和手套搁在柜子里的时候了。Have you done all this work off your own bat?这些都是你独立做的吗? I picked up the baseball bat and swung at the man's head.我捡起棒球棒,朝那个男人的头上打去。We let them know right off the bat that we weren't going with them.我们不假思索地告诉他们,我们不打算和他们同去。Don't take any notice of that old bat!别理那个讨厌的老女人!This player can bat 35%.这个击球手击球率能达到百分之三十五。She walked her first time at bat.她第一次自由上垒。The old judge doesn't like the thought of no one going in to bat for the accused.老法官不希望没有人为被告辩护。She swung the bat but missed the ball.她挥棒却没打中球。He wrapped tape around the bat's handle.他用胶带缠住了球拍柄。The bat's hearing is remarkably sensitive.蝙蝠的听觉特别敏锐。She went to see a solicitor off her own bat.她主动去找了律师。The bat ticked the ball.球拍轻轻碰到了球。He had been set upon by bat-wielding racists, so he understood how I felt.他也曾经遭到过挥舞着球棒的种族主义者的袭击,所以他能理解我的感受。He was trying to bat the flies away with his newspaper.他试图用报纸把苍蝇赶走。He ran out of the house like a bat out of hell.他飞速地从那栋房子跑出来。The handle of a cricket bat protruded from under his arm.一个板球拍柄从他的胳肢窝下面伸了出来。He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.他立刻明白在这一行业中不能依靠任何东西。I'll bat her ears off if she tries to stop me.如果她试图拦阻我,我就掴掉她的耳朵。The bat compares the sound of its cry with the sound of the returning echo.蝙蝠把它自己的叫声和折返的回声作比较。They clubbed him with a baseball bat.他们用棒球棍打他。




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