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词汇 bathed
例句 We were drenched/bathed in sweat after the workout.训练后我们都大汗淋漓。She bathed her and dressed her.她给她洗完澡,然后穿好衣服。She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes.她给她洗澡并穿上干净的衣服。Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.脓包一破溃,就应该用抗菌液清洗。The fields were bathed in bright moonlight that night.那天晚上,田野沐浴在皎洁的月光中。Chantal was writhing in pain and bathed in perspiration.夏恩托痛苦地翻来覆去,汗水淋淋。The hills were bathed in pale moonlight.群山沐浴在淡淡的月光中。The whole room is bathed in soft lighting.整个房间沐浴在柔光之中。She was writhing in pain, bathed in perspiration.她痛苦地扭动着,全身都汗湿了。The waves bathed the sunny shores.波浪冲刷著阳光海岸。He bathed in luscious strains.他沉浸在悦耳的乐曲中。He was bathed in sweat when he finished exercising.他锻炼完浑身是汗。I bathed, washed my hair, and got dressed.我洗了澡,洗了头,穿好衣服。The workmen were bathed in sweat.工人们汗流浃背。The statue was ritually bathed and purified.作为仪式对这座雕塑进行冲洗和净化。Anne bathed the baby and gently smoothed cream into his skin.安妮给婴儿洗了澡,然后轻轻地把润肤霜抹在婴儿皮肤上。I was led to a small room bathed in soft red light.我被带到了一间笼罩在柔和红光中的小屋里。I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。I was tired and bathed in sweat.我身体疲惫,汗流浃背。Abscesses should be bathed in warm salty water.脓肿需要用温盐水浸泡。I bathed him and changed his diaper.我给他洗了澡,换了尿布。We bathed in the ocean.我们在海里游泳。The landscape was bathed/awash in light.这片景色沐浴在阳光中。The moon bathed the town in light. = The town was bathed in moonlight.小镇沐浴在月光下。The nurse bathed his wound with iodine.护士在他的伤口上涂碘酒。She bathed the cut with antiseptic.她用消毒剂浸洗伤口。The valley was bathed in the soft light of dawn.山谷沐浴在柔和的晨曦中。The whole town was bathed in the glow of the setting sun.整个小镇都沐浴在落日的余晖里。The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold rays at a different phase and with varied brightness.在不同的时候,月亮以不同的亮度将她惨淡的冷光沐浴在地貌上。He never changed her diapers, never bathed her.他从未给她换过尿布,也未给她洗过澡。The topmost branches were still bathed in sunlight.树梢的枝丫仍然沐浴在阳光下。The garden was bathed in sunlight.花园中阳光普照。Louise loved being bathed when she was a baby.露易丝还是婴儿时就喜欢洗澡。She bathed in the warm glow of first love.她沉浸在初恋的幸福中。The arena was bathed in warm sunshine.竞技场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。The banks of the river are bathed in pale moonlight.河岸沐浴在淡淡的月光之中。The town was bathed in spring sunshine.小城沐浴在春天的阳光中。The top of Pea Hill was bathed in brilliant sunshine.豌豆山的山顶沐浴在灿烂的阳光中。The valley was bathed in warm light.山谷沐浴在温暖的阳光中。The arena was bathed in warm sunshine.赛场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。




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