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词汇 谈起
例句 They talked about marine yesterdays in China.他们谈起了中国过去的航海业。Once he gets going about the war you can't shut him up.他一谈起那场战争,就滔滔不绝。After a few civilities, they got down to business.寒暄几句后他们就谈起了正事。She spoke nostalgically about her childhood on the farm.她饱含怀念之情谈起在农场度过的童年。She talks about her traumatized childhood emotionlessly, almost clinically. 谈起自己饱受创伤的童年,她显得非常平静,几近冷漠。Talking about our old family holidays has made me feel all nostalgic.谈起过去我们全家一起度假的日子,我不禁产生了怀旧之情。She went off on a tangent about what happened to her last summer.她开始离题谈起了去年夏天她所遭遇的一切。My mother always used to wax lyrical about the lemon trees in her family's garden.我母亲过去总是会深情地谈起她家中花园里的那些柠檬树。Mr Taylor spoke with deep emotion about the year since his son's death.泰勒先生深情地谈起儿子去世后的这一年。It was a shock to hear her speak so honestly about Ted.听到她如此坦率地谈起特德真让人大吃一惊。Clarissa was extremely voluble on the subject of good manners.克莱丽莎谈起礼仪这个话题便口若悬河。My grandmothers store of memories was shared over the dinner table.晚餐时,奶奶和外婆互相谈起自己关于过去的记忆。He chatted abut the weather for a while before coming to the point.他先聊了一会天气,然后谈起了正事。Sensing her uneasiness, Joseph reverted to their discussion about the weather.察觉到她的不自在,约瑟夫就重新谈起了天气。He's been known to use some colorful language when he starts talking about politics.大家都知道他谈起政治总要讲点粗话。The old man talked about the departed triumphs of his youth.老人谈起他年轻时的辉煌。My father was unable to talk about the war, it was so frightful.我父亲无法再谈起那场战争,它太可怕了。She remembered how reticent her father had been about his past.她记得她父亲多么不愿谈起他的过去。He spoke with quiet assurance about his future plans.谈起他未来的规划,他语气温和,充满自信。He is extremely defensive about his work.谈起他的工作他就变得极有戒心。She spoke for the first time about the traumas of a broken marriage.她第一次谈起破裂的婚姻带给她的伤痛。He spoke in a very matter-of-fact way about the accident.他非常平静地谈起那次事故。Somehow we got on to grandparents.不知怎么的,我们谈起祖父母来。After Don told me this, he spoke of his mother.唐告诉我这件事后,就谈起了他的母亲。They often talk about you.他们常常谈起你。The men began to talk earnestly about protecting the Earth for future generations.男人们郑重其事地谈起了如何为后代子孙保护好地球。His tone is familiar and bantering; he is frank about himself.他语气友好、逗趣,谈起自己也挺坦率。We got to talking about old times.我们开始谈起过去的时光。The students we spoke to were surprisingly uninhibited in talking about sex.跟我们谈话的学生谈起性来无拘无束,很让我们惊讶。This brings me onto the question of pay rises.我就顺势谈起了加薪的问题。He chokes up whenever he tries to talk about the accident.每当他想要谈起那次事故时,就哽咽着说不出话来。He became more animated as he described the project.谈起那个项目就眉飞色舞。She rattled on and on about the party. 谈起这次聚会,她没完没了地说个不停。He spoke dismissively about the accident.他很不屑一顾地谈起那次事故。He spoke longingly of his home country.他热切地谈起了自己的祖国。I have always had an inquiring mind where food is concerned.谈起吃的东西,我总是爱刨根问底。Fisher speaks optimistically about the possibility of a vaccine.费希尔乐观地谈起了成功研制疫苗的可能性。He spoke jealously of his friend's success.谈起朋友的成功,流露出嫉妒的心情。He described talk of sackings as scare stories.他说人们谈起解雇犹如在讲恐怖故事。Chantal told Martine about her short-lived marriage.尚塔尔跟马丁内谈起她短暂的婚姻。




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