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词汇 水灾
例句 Many parts of the country are liable to flooding.该国的许多地方可能会遭受水灾The Red Cross established a base to distribute supplies to flood victims in the area.红十字会设立了总部,以便把供应品分发给这个地区遭受水灾的灾民。People will have to get used to more flooding and droughts as climate change becomes a reality.气候变化已成现实,人们将不得不适应更多的水灾和旱灾。There was a Dunkirk spirit in the village during the floods.水灾期间,村子里充满着敦刻尔克精神。We will have to evacuate if the flood gets any worse.假如水灾情况恶化,我们只得撤离。The area is plagued by soil erosion and flooding.该地区受土壤侵蚀和水灾的困扰。The government has promised to meet the cost of clearing up after the floods.政府承诺会为水灾后的清理工作埋单。The southern provinces are still badly affected by flooding.南方各省仍在遭受水灾的严重影响。The heavy rain has led to serious flooding in some areas.大雨造成有些地区爆发严重水灾Reconstruction is already under way after the floods.水灾过后的重建工作已在进行。Recent storms and floods could be a preview of the effects of climate change.最近的暴风雨和水灾可能是气候变化所带来的影响的预兆。Many people were uprooted from their homes by the flood.水灾令许多人背井离乡。They are working on the twin problems of flood and famine.他们正在解决水灾和饥荒这两个密切相关的问题。The flood ruined the crops.水灾毁坏了庄稼。Insurance companies are having to shell out millions of pounds to the victims of the floods.保险公司将要向水灾的受灾者支付几百万英镑的赔款。Rail services have been brought to a standstill by severe flooding in many areas.由于许多地区遭受严重水灾,铁路服务已陷入停顿状态。Heavy rains have led to the most widespread flooding in a decade.暴雨造成了十年来最大范围的一次水灾The President appealed to the international community for aid for the flood victims.总统向国际社会呼吁对遭水灾的灾民给予援助。Floods in that country made thousands of people homeless.水灾使那个国家成千上万的人无家可归。Many people accused the government of mismanaging the environment and indirectly causing the flooding.许多人指责政府对环境管理不善,间接导致了水灾The flood victims were in instant need of help.水灾难民急需救助。That was in the year of the great flood.那是在大水灾之年。All flood victims will be rehoused as soon as possible.水灾的所有灾民都将尽快得到安置。The Times sent her to Bangladesh to report on the floods.《泰晤士报》派她去孟加拉报道水灾灾情。An excess of rain caused severe floods.雨水过量造成了严重的水灾Weather modification in one area often causes drought or floods in another region.在一个地区的人工影响天气常常会在另一地区引起干旱或水灾State police say that high tides and severe flooding have damaged beaches.州警方称,高潮位和严重的水灾冲坏了海滩。Extensive flooding in the country has delayed planting and many crops are still under water.这个国家大面积的水灾已延误了播种,而很多农作物还浸在水下。Many people have found out to their cost that insurance policies do not always cover damage from flooding.许多人吃了苦头才明白,保单并不一定都赔偿水灾损失。The town had been badly flooded.这个镇曾经遭受严重水灾His insurance policy gave him no indemnity against flood damage.他的保险单不承担水灾损失的赔偿。We need to improve the supply of food to the area affected by the floods.我们得增加受水灾影响的地区的粮食供应。Bird's-eye photos show the scope of the present flood.鸟瞰的照片显示了这次水灾的幅员。A severe flood struck the city and there was a consequent shortage of food.该市遭到严重水灾,结果造成食物匮乏。The insurance agent tried to frighten her into buying the most expensive flood insurance.保险代理人尽力吓唬她,想让她去买最贵的水灾险。We insured our house against fire and flood damage.我们给自己的房子买了火灾险和水灾险。The house suffered superficial damage from the flood.这幢房子由于水灾外表受损。The site had only flooded once within living memory.在人们的记忆里,这地方只出现过一次水灾No system is designed to cope with the floods we have had this year.还没有办法来应对我们今年遇到的水灾On the plains the farmers have to deal with frequent floods, but up in the hills their problems are of a different nature.在平原上农民要应付接二连三的水灾,但在山上他们遇到的问题又是另一种类型的了。




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