例句 |
The water pipe sprung a leak and flooded the cellar.水管爆漏,致使地下室遭到水淹。The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.暴雨和大水淹死了许多牲口。Leaves can clog drains, causing flooding.树叶会堵住排水孔,导致水淹。The water came up to my chest.水淹到了我的胸部。The water was up to my thighs.水淹到我的大腿。The houses down by the river flood quite regularly.沿河的房屋常遭水淹。The houses were half-submerged by the flood water.房屋被洪水淹了一半。Several villages along the course of the river were flooded.沿河的几个村子都被洪水淹了。 |