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词汇 调查显示
例句 A public inquiry earlier this year produced vocal opposition from residents.今年早些时候进行的一次公众调查显示居民对此强烈抗议。In a poll of those leaving the theatre and nine out of ten thought it was simply marvellous.一项对那些刚在剧院看完这场戏的观众所作的调查显示,十有八九的人都认为它简直棒极了。The inquiry showed that bribery was widespread.调查显示贿赂之风极为普遍。In general, the survey showed problems with postnatal hospital care.总体而言,调查显示医院的产后护理存在问题。Further inquiry showed that he had visited the city twice before.进一步的调查显示,之前他曾来过这个城市两次。The survey shows that four out of five teenagers have experimented with illegal drugs.调查显示,五个青少年中有四个尝试过吸毒。The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise.政府宣称经济状况在好转,但这份调查显示情况并非如此。According to the survey, overall world trade has slackened.调查显示,全球贸易整体上有所放缓。A Harvard University survey found that Americans significantly overestimate the cost of higher education.哈佛大学一项调查显示,美国人大大高估了高等教育的费用。A wide-ranging survey found growing dissatisfaction among workers.一项全面调查显示,工人越来越不满意。An investigation revealed that the mine was polluting both the air and the groundwater.调查显示该煤矿污染了空气和地下水。This latest survey presents a gloomy picture of the Russian economy.最近这次调查显示,俄罗斯的经济形势令人沮丧。The survey showed that Britain's trees are in good health.调查显示英国的树木状况良好。The survey shows that most smokers would like to stop smoking.调查显示,大多数吸烟者都想戒烟。Birmingham comes out tops for quality of life in a new survey.一项新的调查显示伯明翰在生活质量上非常出色。Many parents wouldn't dream of buying the stuff for their daughters anyway, as a straw poll among my friends and acquaintances demonstrated.就我对朋友和熟人所做的调查显示,很多父母无论如何都不会为他们的女儿购买这种东西。The investigation showed that the airplane had deviated from its scheduled route.调查显示飞机曾经偏离了既定航线。According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease.据最近调查显示,许多英国人患有心脏病。Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority.多个调查显示,支持该条约的人仍然占多数。The study showed that if pilots on long-haul flights take a brief snooze in the cockpit, they're more alert for the landing.调查显示,远途航班的飞行员如果在驾驶舱里小睡一下,降落的时候会更加警觉。There were obvious signs of the feel-good factor in the last survey taken in the wake of the election result.选举结果公布后的最近一次调查显示,人们普遍对未来持乐观态度。Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.我们的调查显示这些过敏反应基本上都是一次性的。An investigation showed that police were blameless in the man's death.调查显示,对于那个男子的死亡,警方并无过错。The most recent polls predict a tight three-way race.最近的调查显示,这将是一场三方激烈角逐的比赛。The survey suggests that rising crime is the top of the average American's concerns.此项调查显示,罪案上升是美国人普遍最担心的事。A new survey shows signs of a turnaround in Northern California's housing market.一项新的调查显示加利福尼亚州北部的住房市场有了回暖迹象。According to one survey, one woman in eight is infertile.一项调查显示,有八分之一的女性不能生育。A survey of the British diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight.对英国人饮食进行的一项调查显示有越来越多的人超重。This survey shows the percentage of single-parent households in each area.这次调查显示了每个地区单亲家庭的比例。The survey suggests that financial success is closely/strongly/directly related to a person's level of education.调查显示,经济成就与一个人的教育水平有紧密/极大/直接的关联。




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