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词汇 clearing up
例句 I spend my life clearing up after the children.我这辈子就是跟在孩子们后面打扫整理。The weather looks like clearing up.天气好像会放晴。I can't abide clearing up after other people.我受不了跟在别人屁股后面收拾整理。They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.他们正在清理时,第二颗炸弹爆炸了。I'm sick to death of clearing up after you.整天跟在你后面收拾整理,烦死我了。I always seem to get lumbered with the job of clearing up after a party.每次聚会结束后我似乎总要被抓住打扫卫生。They started clearing up the mess.他们开始清理那堆脏乱的东西。They hammered out a plan for clearing up the differences between them at last.经过反复推敲,他们终于找到了消除双方分歧的一套方案。She waited behind to help Debbie with the clearing up.她留下来帮黛比一起打扫。Dad was clearing up in the kitchen.爸爸正在收拾厨房。It all depends on the weather clearing up.这完全取决于天气是否会放晴。She began the long process of clearing up all the reports.她开始了清理所有报告的漫长过程。I'm tired of clearing up after you.我已经厌倦了跟在你后面收拾。It's cloudy now, but it's clearing up gradually.这会儿天空多云,但正慢慢放晴。You can put those toys away because I'm not clearing up after you.你应该把那些玩具放回原处,因为我不会在你玩完之后收拾的。The government has promised to meet the cost of clearing up after the floods.政府承诺会为水灾后的清理工作埋单。I have had antibiotics for my sinusitis but it doesn't seem to be clearing up.我服用了抗生素来治疗鼻窦炎,但似乎未能根治。




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