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词汇 课堂
例句 We need to get more teachers into the classrooms where they're most needed, namely in high poverty areas.我们要让更多的教师到最需要他们的课堂中去,也就是极度贫困地区的课堂But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.但朱尔斯对坐在课堂里学习并不热心,他渴望冒险。It was customary then for children to stand up when the teacher came into the classroom.那时候的习俗是当老师进入课堂时,孩子们必须起立。He doesn't have enough experience as a classroom teacher.他没有当课堂老师的足够经验。The class notes are downloadable from the professor's page.课堂笔记可以从教授的页面上下载。I'm handing round a summary of last week's lecture.我要发给大家一份上星期课堂的摘要。The lectures are to be backed up by a heavy programme of field work.课堂讲授将辅以大量的实地调查。Speakers have been shouted down, classes disrupted, teachers made to grovel.发言人的声音被叫嚷声盖住了,课堂一片混乱,老师们不得不好言相劝。She was very sharp with me when I talked during her lecture.我在她的课堂上讲话,她狠狠地训了我一通。The course consists of both lectures and practical workshops.这门课程由课堂讲授和实践研习组成。This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.这本语法书既适合课堂使用,也适合自学。Many classroom interactions do not conform to the rules of normal conversation.许多课堂上的互动都不遵照日常会话的规则。Electronic dictionaries have invaded the nation's classrooms.电子词典遍及全国的课堂教室。Noisy classrooms are a symptom of a breakdown in authority.课堂喧哗吵闹是教师丧失威信的一个征兆。A lot of the lesson was just a repetition of what we'd already done.课堂上许多内容都是重复我们已经学过的东西。I'm not having that kind of behaviour in my class.我不允许我的课堂上有这样的行为。The handouts are all stapled together.课堂讲义都是装订在一起的。Students must be able to apply classroom concepts to practical situations.学生必须能够把课堂中学到的概念运用到实际中去。The ideal lesson contains a good mix of activities and subjects.理想的课堂课堂活动和教学内容适当地结合。Those who declined participation were excused and sent back to the classroom.那些拒绝参加的学生得到允许,并被送回课堂We had a guest lecturer in class today.今天我们课堂上来了一位特邀演讲者。Our new teacher's a joke - he can't even control the class.我们的新老师有点儿荒唐可笑——他连课堂都控制不了。The classroom should be a place where creativity can take root and flourish.课堂应该成为能培养并充分发挥创造力的地方。Because we took the whole class for a complete afternoon session, organisational problems were minimal.我们带着全班上了整整一个下午的课,所以课堂安排上基本没什么问题。I sneaked a note to my friend in class. = I sneaked my friend a note in class.课堂上我偷偷给朋友递纸条。The professor used transparencies and an overhead projector during her lectures.那名教授在她自己的课堂上使用幻灯片和投影仪。Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom.学生们学会了将课堂上学到的理论付诸实际应用。The head teacher shouldn't be trying to micromanage what happens in the classroom.校长不应该对课堂上发生的事情采取细节管理的方式。She brought in a seashell for show-and-tell.她带来一片贝壳做课堂展示和讲述。Part of the class was devoted to questions from last week's reading.一部分课堂时间用来解答上周阅读中的问题。Student teachers were hypersensitive to any criticism of their performance.实习教师对任何涉及他们课堂表现的批评都会过于敏感。Behaviour problems, with all the attendant learning difficulties, cannot be resolved in the ordinary classroom.行为问题,以及所有随之产生的学习障碍,是无法在普通课堂上得到解决的。We did a French dictation in class.课堂上我们进行了法语听写。A more pleasant classroom environment could account for students' improved performance.更加令人愉快的课堂环境可能是学生们成绩提高的原因。The students were left to their own devices when the teacher failed to appear on time.当老师没能按时出现在课堂时,学生们就各行其是了。The exam is no more difficult than the tests you've been doing in class.这次考试并不比你们一直做的课堂测验难。She was kept back for talking in class.她因课堂上说话而被罚课后留校。Beyond academics, Sadie is someone with a strong sense of social responsibility.课堂学习之外,莎蒂也是一个具有强烈社会责任感的人。They settled an argument that started in class.他们解决了课堂上产生的争吵。I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my class.在我的课堂上我不会容许那种行为。




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