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词汇 课后
例句 They usually study with me after class.课后他们通常和我一起学习。After class we needed time to sort out the enormous amount of information we had been given.课后,我们需要时间来整理老师授给的大量信息。A few of my teachers offer extra help after class.有些老师可以对我进行课后辅导。He always leaves his homework until the last minute.他总是把课后作业留到最后一刻做。There is chapel today after classes.今天课后有礼拜式。The teacher made us wait behind after class.老师让我们课后留下来不要走。I'd like to talk to you at the end of the lesson.我想在上完课后和你谈谈。The professor gave out his phone number so students could reach him after hours.那名教授留下了自己的电话号码,以便学生课后可以联系到他。They have sports practices every day after school.他们每天课后都要进行运动训练。It concerns me that some tutors are meeting with students outside college hours.有些导师课后还与学生会面,这让我感到不安。The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.老师将这些男生课后留堂。She was trying to keep her creditors at bay by robbing Peter to pay Paul. 把本来用作课后辅导的钱拿来买午饭简直是拆东墙补西墙。It is Howard's custom to take his class for coffee after the lesson.霍华德习惯课后带学生去喝咖啡。After class, I usually study my notes and read the next chapter.课后,我通常学习自己的笔记并且预习下一章。He stayed behind after class to ask the teacher a few questions.课后留下来问老师几个问题。




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