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词汇 知识
例句 Her mom talked to her about sex.她妈妈跟她讲了关于性的知识I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge.知识之渊博使我惊讶。We acquire much of our world knowledge through education.我们通过受教育获得很多有关世界的知识Most of our knowledge is secondhand.我们的知识大部分是间接的。Individuals with knowledge must attempt to educate the uninformed.知识的人应当试着去教化那些无知者。He's forgotten all he's ever learned about history.他把过去所学的历史知识全都忘光了。He dipped into his knowledge of history to reconsider the present political situation.他利用自己的历史知识重新审视当前的政治形势。A teacher should be more than a dispenser of knowledge.教师不应该只是知识的传授者。Martin brings a wealth of knowledge to the job.马丁给这一工作带来了丰富的知识These people are intellectual bankrupts.这些人一点知识也没有。Behaviour is observable. Knowledge is not observable.行为是看得见的,而知识却是看不见的。An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient.一个不教基础算术知识的教育体制是有严重缺陷的。Having knowledge is one thing but being able to communicate it to others is another kettle of fish.拥有知识是一回事,但能够传授给别人就完全是另一回事了。Whereas knowledge can be acquired from books, skills must be learned through practice.尽管知识可以从书本上获得,但是技巧必须通过实践才能学会。Applicants should have a working knowledge of Greek.申请者应该具有足以应付工作的希腊语知识We could not fault him on his knowledge of algebra.他在代数方面的知识我们无懈可击。Health education wisdom in the U.K. differs from that of the United States.英国的健康教育知识与美国的不同。His knowledge is culled from a huge number of sources.他的知识是从众多的来源中集聚而得的。It didn't take me long to pick up the rudiments of the language.我没有费多少时间就学会了这一语言的初步知识You can adapt your knowledge to fit your particular situation.你可以调整知识以适应特殊情况。You can't match him in knowledge of wild plants.在野生植物的知识方面你比不上他。He wants a job in which he can apply his foreign languages.他想找一份工作,可以用到他的多门外语知识Mr. Davis knew any quantity of Greek.戴维斯先生的希腊语知识真是详尽极了。She had a huge fund of knowledge, skill, and experience.她有极其丰富的知识、技能和经验。No prior knowledge should be required.不需要预先学得什么知识Don't keep it to yourself, we need your knowledge and experience.别保守了,我们需要你的知识和经验。 The modern technology of communications offers us instant knowledge.现代通信技术为我们提供顷刻即可获得的知识He is an authoritative source for information about Islamic art.他是伊斯兰艺术知识方面的权威。These abstruse and erudite papers are intelligible only to the initiate.这些深奥而旁征博引的论文,只有具备了入门知识的内行才能看得懂。He was a modest man who never paraded his knowledge.他为人谦虚,从不炫耀自己的知识Their research has pushed forward the frontiers of knowledge.他们的研究推进了知识新领域的发展。John is very knowledgeable about classical music.约翰对古典音乐有丰富的知识I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial and error.我的大部分园艺知识都是通过反复摸索得来的。As a teacher, she drew on her knowledge of her own children.身为教师,她借用了从自己孩子身上得来的知识Students are unwilling to really work. They want to be spoon-fed.学生们不愿意真正用功。他们希望别人把知识塞进他们脑子里。The project will build upon existing knowledge.这个项目将以现有的知识为依据。Sales staff must have a good working knowledge of French.销售人员必须相当熟练地掌握足以应付工作的法语知识He is keen to learn more about art history.他渴望了解更多关于艺术史的知识Their knowledge has increased in leaps and bounds.他们的知识快速增长。This knowledge was handed down in the family from father to son.这种知识在那户人家父子相传。




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