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He twisted in his chair to see what was happening behind him.他在座位上转过身去看他身后发生了什么事。The driver in the car behind me blew/honked his horn.我身后的汽车司机摁着喇叭。The motives behind this decision remain somewhat obscure.这一决定背后的动机仍然有点儿不明不白。In their withdrawal, much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind.他们在撤退中被迫舍弃了许多重型装备。The other climbers were fitter and more experienced and I was worried I'd get left behind.其他的登山者更健壮也更富有经验,因此我担心自己会被落在后面。We're behind you all the way!我们将一直支持你!The exhibition hall reared above me behind a high fence.高高的围墙后面,展览大厅耸立在我面前。Brian was ensconced behind the bar.布赖恩安坐在柜台后。She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.她把一缕头发拢到耳后。I know, we're a week behind schedule already.我知道我们已经比原定计划晚了一周。What lay behind his anger was really the hurt he felt at Grace's refusal.他生气的表面之下是因遭格雷斯拒绝而深受伤害的心。I closed the door behind me.我随手关上了身后的门。Keith wandered along behind him.基思跟在他后面闲逛。In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind.在课堂上,视力不好的孩子很快就会落在别人的后面。We heard a rumbling behind us.我们听到后面传来隆隆的声音。Kathryn pulled a face at Thomas behind his back.凯瑟琳在托马斯身后冲他做了个鬼脸。The sun emerged from behind the clouds.太阳从云层后露了出来。He slammed the door behind him.他随手砰地关上了门。The storm left a trail of destruction behind it.风暴袭过,一路留下破坏的痕迹。The controls are hidden from sight behind a panel.控制装置隐藏在控制面板后面。I thought you were my friend. Now I find you've been talking about me behind my back.我原以为你是我的朋友,现在我发现你居然在背后议论我。We just want to put that embarrassing incident behind us.我们只想把那件令人尴尬的意外事件忘掉。The general's plan involved landing troops behind enemy lines.将军的计划包括向敌人后方空投部队。She urged everyone to rally behind the President.她敦促大家团结起来做总统的后盾。The entire country is behind the times when it comes to protecting the environment.当论及保护环境的时候,举国上下的思想都过时了。They tied his hands behind his back.他们把他的手反绑在背后。She alone must have been the moving spirit behind the lawsuit that lost me my position.肯定是她一个人主使了让我丢掉职位的诉讼。She has left her fears and doubts behind. 她抛开了恐惧和疑虑。He was hiding behind a mask of indifference but she wasn't fooled.他装出一副冷漠的样子,可是没有骗过她。She towed in attendance behind her a short man.她身后跟随着一个矮个子男人作跟班。He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door furiously behind him.他怒不可遏地把门猛地一摔,冲出了公寓。She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.她看见真有一个男的紧跟在她身后,而且在怪异地注视自己。He retreated behind a veil of cigarette smoke.他隐藏在一层香烟烟雾之后。The gate shut behind him.大门在他身后关上了。You lead us and we'll follow right behind you.你在前面带路,我们会紧跟着你。I crouched behind a bush as the soldiers marched by.那队士兵走过时,我蹲伏在一片灌木丛后面。He was attacked from behind by two men.他被两个男人从背后袭击。The couple behind us kept distracting everyone by talking during the movie.在看电影时,我们后面的两个人不停地讲话干扰了大家。I moved from behind my desk to sit beside her.我从桌子后面走到她身边坐了下来。The ball bounced off the crossbar and fell behind the goal line.球从球门横梁上弹出,落在球门线后。 |