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词汇 behind in
例句 The production of the factory has been dropping behind in the last few months.那家工厂的生产量近几个月来一直在下降。He is lagging behind in the race for the presidency.他在总统竞选中处于下风。Carmen stayed behind in the dark, sunless room.卡门留在那个黑漆漆不见阳光的屋子里。He had to leave his family behind in Chile.他只好把他的家人留在了智利。The party is behind in the opinion polls.这个党派在民意调查中处于下风。Jack and Helen had dropped behind in order to be alone.为了单独呆在一起,杰克和海伦故意让别人走在前面。Production has got behind in the last few months.在过去几个月中产量下降了。Even from behind in silhouette, Billy recognized the figure.即便看到的只是背影的轮廓,比利还是认出了那个人影。The Japanese swimmer was left behind in women's 100m freestyle final.在女子100米自由游泳决赛中日本选手落在了后面。He was never behind in offering suggestions.他提建议从不落在他人后面。She stopped going to classes and dropped behind in her schoolwork.她不去上课,功课也就落了下来。He didn't want to fall behind in his studies.他不想在学习上落后于别人。If you don't do your homework every week, you'll get behind in your studies.如果你不是每个星期都做家庭作业,你的学习就会落在别人后面。The party is still lagging way behind in the opinion polls.该党在民意测验中仍然远远落在后面。Illness kept him behind in his school work.生病使他功课落后了。The bus set off first and we followed on behind in the car.公共汽车先走,我们开着汽车跟在后面。Europe was falling behind in the important field of computer technology.欧洲在计算机科技这一重要领域落后了。The post office got behind in delivering Christmas mail.邮局没有及时发送圣诞节邮件。The team fell behind in the first half but rallied in the second half to win the game.球队上半场时落后,但下半场重整旗鼓,赢得了比赛。The Americans were falling behind in the competitive world of automobile design.美国人在充满竞争的汽车设计领域落后了。The team fell behind in the second inning and has had to play catch-up ever since.球队在第二局开始落后,此后一直在努力追平。We are lagging behind in this respect.我们在这方面正渐渐落后于人。Tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted.拖欠房租的房客有被扫地出门的危险。Soon he fell behind in the race.很快他在赛跑中落在了后面。Britain lags behind in the European childcare stakes.英国在儿童保育方面落后于欧洲其他国家。Davis is still behind in recent opinion polls.在最近的民意测验中戴维斯仍然落后。The sale has dropped behind in the last few months.近几个月来销售额下降。




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