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Don't talk the talk unless you can walk the walk! 别说得头头是道,除非你说到做到!I'm a man of my word. I will do what I say.我是说话算数的人,说到做到。I'll put my things away tonight - and that's a promise!今晚我要把我所有的东西都收拾好——说到做到!I mean it - I'll scream if you don't let me go.我说到做到,你如果不让我走我就大叫。If you make a threat, be sure to carry it out if he errs again.如果你采用威胁的手段,那么如果他再次出轨,你就得说到做到。I'll go to the police next time, make no mistake about it.下次我会报警,我说到做到。Respect your teenager's privacy. If you promise not to tell her father, keep your word.尊重你家十几岁孩子的隐私。如果你答应不告诉她父亲,就要说到做到。She always keeps her word.她总是说到做到。They convinced the enemy that they meant business.他们使敌人相信他们是说到做到的。Gideon is very reliable - if he says he'll do something, he'll do it.吉迪恩为人很可靠——他说到做到。She was true to her word. 她说到做到了。He's not very reliable. You can't always count on him to do what he says he'll do.他不是很靠得住。你不要总指望他能说到做到。He brags and blusters, but he never really does what he says he'll do.他又是吹嘘又是恫吓,但从来都没有说到做到。If you make a threat be sure to carry it out if he errs again.如果你作出威胁,在他再犯错时,一定要说到做到。 |