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例句 The project had its genesis two years earlier.该项目是两年前开始的。The historical research was impressively diligent.该项历史研究非常地认真、彻底。The project gradually sank into oblivion.该项目渐渐被淡忘。The agreement will be considered null and void.该项协议将被视为无效。Interest in the project dried up when he withdrew his support.他撤回了他的支持后,人们对该项目的兴趣就彻底没有了。The district council agreed with the objectors and turned down the application.区政务会同意反对者的意见,拒绝了该项申请。The project is still in its very early stages.该项目仍处于它的初期阶段。The proposal was put before the planning committee.该项建议已提交计划委员会审议。The programme's researchers are guilty of bias and misrepresentation.该项目的研究人员有心存偏见和描述不实的过失。The legislation is likely to squeak through.该项立法可能会侥幸通过。You have to pay your outstanding bill before joining the scheme.在参加该项目之前必须结清余账。They believe the law discriminates against women.他们认为该项法律歧视女性。The Project has excavated and partially restored the hilltop fort.该项目已经发掘出山顶堡垒并进行了部分修复。The exemption applies to home buyers.该项豁免适用于购房者。The Head of Geography said the project was an example of the school's continuing interest in environmental issues.地理科主任说该项目表明学校对环境问题的持续关注。There were no new suspects in the murder, but the investigation is continuing.该项谋杀尚无新的嫌疑人,但调查还在继续。The law was passed, after a long and sometimes angry debate.经过长时间的,有时甚至是愤怒的辩论之后,该项法律得以通过。The company's lawyers disagreed that the complaint was a criminal matter.这家公司的律师不认为该项投诉属于刑事案件。He is a declared supporter of the plan.他是该项计划的公开支持者。The policy is based on the idea that some industries need to be protected from market forces.该项政策所依据的原则是某些产业在市场压力下应当受到保护。The legislation will give new rights to cohabiting couples.该项立法将赋予同居伴侣新的权利。Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work.建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。The consensus was to abandon the project.大多数人的意见是放弃该项计划。The study suggests a strong link between workplace culture and a business's financial performance.该项研究说明职场文化与公司的财务业绩密切相关。The project was set up under the aegis of the university.该项目是在这所大学的支持下设立的。The boom in the sport's popularity has meant more calls for stricter safety regulations.该项体育运动的兴起意味着制定更加严格的安全规则的呼声更高了。Some experts doubt the economic worth of the project.一些专家怀疑该项目的经济价值。Her qualifications answer the requirements of the job.她的资历符合该项工作的要求。WTO members approved the plan.世贸组织成员批准了该项计划。Professor Adams was the originator of the project.亚当斯教授是该项目的发起人。The inquiry was chaired by a judge.该项调查由一名法官主持。The deal was hailed by the Defence Secretary.该项协议受到了国防部长的称赞。The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.如果拖欠付款的话,银行可以没收该项资产。This year's funding for the program is based on the number of applications that we received last year.该项目本年度的拨款根据我们去年所接到的申请数目而定。The historical research was extremely diligent.该项历史研究非常认真细致。The project's aim is to clean up polluted land.该项目的目标是整治受污染的土地。The research suggests we only use a small portion of our brains at any one time.该项研究显示,任何时候我们都只使用了脑子的一小部分。The survey proved highly informative.事实证明该项调查提供了极其丰富的信息。He made contacts with wealthy people in raising money for the project.该项工程筹款他与许多有钱人拉关系。The inquiry has uncovered numerous examples of racism.该项调查发现多起种族歧视的事例。




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