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词汇 该国
例句 The country needs the backing of the international community to give it the confidence to rebuild its war-battered economy.该国需要国际社会支持,来给它信心重建受战争创伤的经济。The country's leadership had underestimated the depth of the crisis.该国的领导层低估了这场危机的严重性。The country's oil and natural gas reserves are capable only of meeting short-term needs.该国的石油和天然气储备仅够满足短期的需求。Tanzania is a country committed to building socialism in the long term.该国是个致力于长期建设社会主义的国家。Agricultural products are the country's largest export.农产品是该国出口量最大的产品。He has not visited the country officially since his election, only in a private capacity.自从当选之后,他还没有以官方身份访问过该国,只进行了私人访问。The United States has a substantial military presence in the country.美国在该国派有大量驻军。The U.S. threatened to take away trading privileges as a way to punish the country for human rights violations.美国威胁取消贸易优惠作为对该国践踏人权的处罚。Windmills are a common sight in this part of the country.风车是该国这一地区的常见景观。The country still contains extremes of wealth and poverty.该国依然贫富悬殊。The revenue from tourism is the biggest single item in the country's invisible earnings.旅游业收入是该国无形收益当中最大的一项。The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.该国需要强大的情报机构来打击间谍活动和外国极端分子。The country's Jewish population was angered by the prime minister's remarks.该国的犹太人被总理的言辞激怒了。The country was near economic collapse.该国经济濒临崩溃。In a constitutional reorganization, he has since become the nation's first president to have full executive power.在宪法重新制定之后,他便成了该国第一个拥有行政全权的总统。Vast tracts of the country are wild and undeveloped.该国的大片国土还是尚未开发的荒地。There are fears that the country has produced long-range missiles capable of reaching across the border.人们担心该国已生产出能打过国界的远程导弹。The principle of market forces was applied to some of the country's most revered institutions.市场运作的规律被应用到该国某些最具影响力的机构。The country stepped up internal security.该国加强了国内治安。Nursery places for children are scarce in some parts of the country.该国的部分地区,儿童很少有机会上托儿所。The government says that it will view any attempt to fly over its territory as an act of aggression.政府声明,任何试图飞越该国领土的行为都将被视为侵略行为。Spanish is the country's official language.西班牙语是该国的官方语言。This is one of the best equipped hospitals in the country.这是该国设备最好的医院之一。The country has a new supreme representative body.该国新成立了一个最高代表机构。Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.重工业集中在该国的北部。The plan calls for a ceasefire and UN supervision of the country.该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行监督。Most of the country's intelligentsia were against the reforms.该国大多数知识分子反对改革。Coffee is the country's principal export.咖啡是该国主要的出口商品。The trade embargo is suffocating the nation's economy.贸易禁令正在扼杀该国的经济。The state owns vast tracts of land.该国拥有大片土地。The country's coal reserves are being drained away.该国的煤炭资源正逐渐耗尽。A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country's economy.供应的全面中断会使该国经济陷入瘫痪。The economy of that country went to pieces.该国经济彻底崩溃。That country's statement drew a prompt rebuttal from one of its neighbouring nations.该国的声明立即招致一个邻国的驳斥。Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.任何讨论人权问题的尝试都会被以无端干预该国内政为由加以拒绝。The country has suffered years of misrule by a weak and corrupt government.该国多年来一直处于一个软弱腐败的政府的蠹政之下。When visiting a foreign country, we must respect the country's customs.我们去外国访问时,必须尊重该国的风俗习惯。Political power resided with the nation's elder statesman and party leader.政治权力掌握在该国的资深政治家兼政党领袖手中。He also denied that he would seek to annex the country.他也否认他会试图吞并该国Interest earned in this country is subject to tax.该国赚得的利息要交税。




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