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词汇 话里
例句 Reading between the lines, I'd say he isn't happy with the situation.听他话里的意思,我觉得他对目前状况不太满意。The tenor of his remarks is clear.话里的要点非常清晰。I still couldn't understand what Toby was driving at.我还是没弄懂托比话里的真正用意。There was a hint of rebuke in his voice.话里有一种谴责的语气。Did she detect a certain smugness in his tone?她是否听出他话里带了点沾沾自喜的口气?Although he made his remark in jest, the underlying jab was felt.尽管他的话是开开玩笑,但仍可感到话里带的刺。Her words contained an implicit threat.话里带着威胁。The casualness of the remark disguised the true intent of what he was saying.话里透出的漫不经心掩盖了他说话的真实用意。The words came out with an Irish twang to them.他们听出话里带有爱尔兰口音。According to Greek mythology, the minotaur would only eat human flesh.希腊神话里说,人身牛头怪物弥诺陶洛斯只吃人肉。There was a taste of sadness in his remarks.话里带一点儿忧郁的意味。




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