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词汇 cut into
例句 The outlines of animals were cut into the rock.动物的外形被刻在岩石上。Add one large onion that has been cut into one-inch pieces.把一个大洋葱切成一英寸的小丁,然后放进去。The chain cut into his tender flesh.链子勒进了他的细嫩肌肤中。A slight indentation was cut into the wood.木头被切了一个小口子。Roll out the pastry and cut into narrow strips.把油酥面团擀薄然后切成长条。The hollow cuts into a low hill on the gently rolling prairie.延绵起伏的大草原上,这条山谷横穿一座小山丘。Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden, and sprinkled with salt - voilà! tortilla chips.玉米粉圆饼可以切成长条,炸至金黄色,再撒上些盐——瞧,这就是墨西哥炸玉米条。The cheese was cut into small pieces and arranged on a silver platter.奶酪被切成了小块放在大银盘上。I don't like doing the shopping on Saturday afternoon because it cuts into my weekend.我不喜欢在周六下午购物,因为这会占用我周末的大块时间。She picked up the knife and cut into the meat.她拿起刀来切入肉中。She cut into our conversation several times.她几次打断我们的谈话。Economists forecast that falling consumer confidence will cut into household purchases.经济学家预测,消费者信心的下降会拉低房屋购买量。It is then partly cooked, extruded, cut into pieces, then frozen.先煮半熟,然后粉碎塑形、切成块,再冻起来。The tight belt cut into his flesh.紧束的腰带嵌进他的肉里。The knife easily cut into the cake.刀子一下子切进了蛋糕。She cut into our conversation twice.她两次打断我们的谈话。His shirt was too small for him and cut into the tender flesh at his armpit.这件衬衣对他来说太小了,紧勒着他腋部的嫩肉。Strange letters had been cut into the stone.石头上刻着一些奇怪的字母。Although it would cut into profits, we were forced to lower our prices.尽管降低价格会减少利润,但我们还是不得不这样做了。The shackles had begun to cut into his ankles.镣铐已经开始卡进他的脚踝了。The ice was cut into blocks and stored in a special shed.冰被切成大块,存放在专门的小屋里。The sheet of metal was cut into even quadrilateral shapes.金属片被切割成了大小相同的四边形。Chips should be cut into uniform size.薯条要切得大小相同。Chips should be cut into uniform size and thickness.土豆条要切得大小厚薄均匀。The rise in wages cut into the profits of the company.工资的增长降低了公司的利润。She had her long hair cut into a boyish crop.她把自己的长发剪成了男孩气的平头。This plan of yours cuts into our schedule rather badly.你的这个计划要占去我们日程表里不少时间。Coloured paper was cut into circles.彩纸被剪成了圆形、正方形和三角形。The stone is cut into blocks ready for building.石头被切割成建筑用石块。The chicken is cut into long strips and served on top of the salad.鸡肉切成长条并放在沙拉上面后再端上桌。Leslie lightens her hair and has now had it cut into a short, feathered style.莱斯莉将头发染成了浅色,现在又剪了个短蓬头。The breast can be cut into portions for grilling.胸脯肉可以切成小块烧烤。The newly built houses in front cut into the value of his house.屋前新建的那些房屋降低了他的住房的价值。The potatoes were pared and cut into chunks.马铃薯被削了皮并切成了块。




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