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词汇 评委
例句 In the competition, the judge goes over each dog and assesses it.比赛中,评委仔细检查了每一条狗,给它们评分。The judges have given him top marks for this performance.这场表演评委给了他最高分。In her adjudication Mrs Rees spoke warmly of the enthusiasm shown by the cast.里斯夫人在评委词中亲切赞扬了全体演员表现出的热情。The judges of the talent show were biased toward musical acts.新秀选拔的评委偏好音乐方面的表演。He adjudicated at all the regional music competitions.他在所有地区音乐比赛中担任评委His story was picked out as the best by the judges.他的小说被评委们评为第一名。Both judges ranked this movie as their number one choice.两位评委都将这部影片列为首选。He served as a judge at the baking contest.他在烘焙大赛中担任评委It's a performance that's sure to make an impression on the judges.这个表演肯定会给评委留下印象。The judges will award a prize to the best speaker.评委们将授予最佳演讲者奖项。I've been asked to judge the children's poetry competition.我受邀为儿童诗歌比赛当评委The judges gave us their wholehearted approval.评委们给予了我们最诚挚的肯定。The judges reserved particular praise for two new artists.评委们将特别赞誉留给了两位艺术新人。The annual flower show was judged by a TV celebrity and a professional horticulturist.一年一度的花卉展由一位电视名人和一位专业园艺师担任评委The judges could not decide which category it belonged in.评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。What impressed the judges most was the originality of the dancers’ performance.评委们留下深刻印象的是这些舞蹈演员的独创性表演。She was the only woman on the panel of judges.她是评审小组中唯一的一位女评委He executed some dance steps for the judges.他为评委们跳了几个舞步。They're getting someone from London to adjudicate the one-act play competition.他们正准备从伦敦找个人来给独幕剧比赛当评委The adjudicator said that some of the acting was of professional standard.评委说有些表演具有专业水平。Simon's been asked to adjudicate at the fruit and flower show.西蒙已获邀在水果花卉展上当评委We would like to thank all the judges who gave so generously of their time.我们感谢所有的评委如此慷慨地付出了他们的时间。The jury found her pie to be the best.评委判定她做的派最好。A panel of judges selected the book for this year's award.评委组选择这部书作为今年的获奖图书。My needlework received several admiring comments from the judges.我的刺绣品得到了一些评委的赞赏。The judges went into a huddle to decide the winner.评委们围成一团商量决定谁是获胜者。The judges awarded her a seven and a six.评委给她打了一个七分,一个六分。He was on a jury judging a songwriting competition.他当时是歌曲创作比赛的评委之一。I don't like relying on the judges' decisions.我不认为应该依赖评委的决定。




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