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词汇 girls
例句 Little girls dress up as angels for fiestas.小女孩们在节日里扮成天使的样子。The girls chatted and swapped clothes with each other.姑娘们聊着天,并互相换衣服穿。Most of the girls in the village were circumcised.村里大部分女孩都切除了阴蒂。Tradition dictates that girls should be married off early.传统习俗要求女孩子必须尽早结婚。The girls stared at the peculiarly shaped tree.女孩们盯着这棵形状古怪的树。She scorned the girls who worshipped football heroes.她瞧不起那些崇拜足球英雄的姑娘。The two girls suddenly emerged from among the trees. Both seemed to be calm and unhurt.那两个女孩突然从树丛中冒了出来。她们看起来都很镇静也没受伤。Young girls quickly learn how to wind Daddy around their little finger.小女孩很快就能学会如何支使她们的爸爸。The young girls swooned when they saw their favorite pop singer.年轻的姑娘们看到她们最喜欢的流行歌星时一个个都心醉神迷。The dog went berserk and mauled one of the girls.狗突然发疯,把其中一个女孩咬伤了。The Mods, both girls and boys, were very clean and neat.摩登派青少年,不论男女,都穿戴得非常干净整洁。There are fewer boys than girls in my class.我班上男生比女生少。Boys are just as keen on cooking as girls are.男孩子和女孩子一样对做饭感兴趣。Fred was in the middle of a group of girls, and was obviously lapping it up.弗雷德被一群女孩团团围住,他显然乐在其中。The girls were dainty and feminine.这些女孩子娇美温柔。He cracked jokes and talked about beer and girls.他爱说笑话,喜欢谈论啤酒和姑娘。The girls switched hats.女孩子交换了帽子。That's enough of your titters, girls!姑娘们,别再傻笑了!They were tough girls from New York.她们是来自纽约的粗野女孩。I'd like nothing better than to join you girls.我最喜欢和你们女孩子在一起了。Okay, boys and girls, it's time to play a game.好啦,男孩、女孩们,玩游戏的时间到了。She helped me unpack my things and then we went around to see the other girls.她帮我打开行李,然后我们去看望其他女孩们。The pool was surrounded by bronzed girls wearing minuscule bikinis.泳池边都是皮肤晒成了赤褐色的女孩,她们都穿着极小的比基尼。Parents still tend to treat boys differently from girls.父母仍然倾向于以不同的态度对待男孩和女孩。There were three times as many girls as boys.女孩人数是男孩的三倍。Some girls taunted her because she was poor.因为她穷,有些女孩子就嘲笑她。The girls began to gather their hockey sticks, satchels, and other paraphernalia.姑娘们开始收拾她们的曲棍球棒、背包和其他随身用品。The girls formed into three lines.女孩子排成三行。All the girls gushed about the movie star.姑娘们滔滔不绝地谈论那个电影明星。Netball is a bit like basketball, but it's normally played by girls.无挡板篮球跟普通的篮球运动有相似之处,但通常是女孩子打的。That boy puffed up himself in front of the girls.那男孩在女孩面前吹捧自己。The girls were all dolled up for a party.女孩子们都打扮得漂漂亮亮去参加派对。You girls stick together, hide, try to get west.你们女孩子凑一块儿,注意隐蔽,尽量往西走。Some girls are pretty; a few, but very few, are beautiful.有些姑娘长得还算好看,但是称得上美的却很少。We picked up a couple of girls at the pub last Friday.上星期五我们在酒吧把上几个女孩。Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate.一些女孩的第一次排卵甚至可能出现在初潮之前。The girls were quite excited because they were expecting a visit from their parents.女孩们非常兴奋,因为她们正期待着父母来看望她们。He's not very good at chatting up girls.他不大擅长与姑娘们搭讪。Boys punch; girls often slap.男孩子挥拳猛击;女孩子常用巴掌打。The girls romped down the stone steps.女孩们脚步轻捷地跑下石阶。




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