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例句 Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.罗林斯强调不可能证明该药物与这几起死亡事件存在因果联系。I kept pinching myself to prove that it wasn't all a dream.我一直在掐自己,证明这不是在做梦。The new engine's performance is a tribute to the skill of its designers.这种新引擎的工作效能证明了设计者技艺高超。The fact that doctors were able to catch the disease before it had spread testifies to the importance of medical screenings.医生在这种疾病传播之前就能控制住它,这一事实可以证明医学筛查的重要性。As individual members' solo careers have proved, each band was greater than the sum of its parts.成员单飞后的发展证明,每个乐队的成员只有组合在一起才能创造出更大的成功。She was propelled by a desire to prove everyone else wrong.她被一种想要证明其他人都错了的欲望所驱使。He had indisputable proof that he had been there.他有确凿的证据,证明他当时在那儿。Employees must demonstrate competence in certain skills before they can work independently.员工必须证明自己具备某些技能才能独立工作。History will show that the government's reforms were misplaced.历史将证明政府的改革不合时宜。The teacher gave her one last chance to prove she could behave.老师给她最后一次机会,让她证明她会遵守纪律。It might be difficult to prove his guilt.证明他的罪行可能很难。The only way his role can be clarified and his position made tenable again is if there's a public inquiry.弄清他扮演的角色并再次证明他的合理立场的唯一办法是展开公开调查。There was very little evidence against the two men.没有什么证据可以证明这两个男子有罪。Your alibi was not accepted by the prosecutor. Therefore, it did not exonerate you from the crime.你的不在场证明并没有被检方接受。因此,你并没有免罪。There was sufficient evidence to damn several players.有足够的证据来证明一些运动员有罪。The book should prove helpful to many people.这本书理应被证明对多数人是有用的。The photo was final proof of her husband's infidelity.这张照片最终证明了她丈夫的不忠。History will prove him to have been right all along.历史将证明他一直是对的。The tournament has come to be regarded as a proving ground for young players.锦标赛成了年轻选手们证明自己竞技实力的检验场。I am going to prove to you that your suspicions are entirely unfounded.我要证明给你看,你的怀疑是毫无根据的。The First World War is a record of human folly.第一次世界大战是人类愚昧的证明The facts of the situation belie his testimony.实际情况证明他作了伪证。The continued success of the business speaks well of their judgment. 生意场上一个又一个的胜利证明了他们的判断很明智。The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means.追求的目的正当并不证明可以使用不好的手段。The latest trade figures are testimony to the failure of government policies.最新的贸易数字证明了政府的失策。No one can attest to the absolute truth of his statement.没有人可以证明他的话是绝对正确的。We have proved that different groups can work harmoniously together.我们已经证明,不同群体能够和谐共事。Staff attest to his perfect recall and stickling for perfection.他的员工证明他具有过目不忘的记忆力,凡事坚持做到尽善尽美。His experience of teaching in Irish schools proved invaluable.他在爱尔兰学校的教学经验证明是极为有用的。Can you document the claims you're making?你能为你提出的索赔要求提供文件证明吗?He cannot pony up the required quota of references.他交不出规定要交的几份本人情况证明The team lacks standout players, but it has proved to be greater than the sum of its parts.这个球队缺乏优秀的选手,但是整体配合证明要胜过个体相加。The benefits of the new policy proved to be mythical.新政策的好处被证明是子虚乌有。The taxes proved extremely unpopular with the electorate.这些税项被证明极不受选民欢迎。He maintained that he could and would justify the alleged libel.他坚持说他能够而且将要证明被指控的诽谤罪名不成立。A man needs time to prove himself.人需要时间来证明自己。This proves without a shadow of doubt that we were right.这毫无疑问地证明我们是对的。In this trial two essential elements must be proven: motive and opportunity.在这次审讯中,必须证明两个基本因素:动机和时机。A mere politician will prove unequal to the position.纯粹的政治家将证明自己难以担当这个职务。The study demonstrates beyond doubt the effectiveness of the new drug.研究毫无疑问地证明了这种新药的效力。




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