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例句 Yoga improves balance as well as flexibility.瑜伽会改善平衡性和灵活性。The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.沙拉如果提前做好然后放一会儿,味道就会更好。As people become more affluent, so their standard and style of living improves.人们越来越富裕,他们的生活水准和生活方式也改善了。The gas additive improves engine performance.汽油添加剂完善了发动机的性能。As transportation improves, distances seem to lessen.随着运输的进步,距离似乎缩短了。The movie version improves on the original play.改写的电影剧本胜过原来的剧本。Unless the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.如果天气不好转,那我们将不得不取消比赛。A light airy sun lounge greatly improves the quality of life for residents.一个明亮通风的阳光浴室极大地改善了居民的生活品质。In some ways this program improves on what has gone before.这个程序在有些方面比以前有了改进。Even in relapse there will be times when the patient's general condition improves.即便在复发期间,病人仍会有好转的时候。New opportunities will emerge as the economic climate improves.随着经济气候的改善,新的机会就会出现。Exercise improves the circulation.运动有助于促进血液循环。A final heat treatment makes the glass much stronger and improves its optical qualities.最后一个热处理工序使玻璃更为坚固,并提高了它的透光性。Playing sports improves strength and coordination.运动能增强体力和提高协调性。It improves the strength and mobility of joints.它能提高关节的力量和灵活性。You might find that his work improves now he's at a new school.你可能会发现,他到了新学校,学习进步了。The drug improves blood circulation.这种药可改善血液循环。The firm will go under unless business improves.这家公司要破产了,除非业务好转。A central brace improves stability.中心的固定杆提高了稳定性。Laughter improves respiration and activates our immune system.笑能改善呼吸并激活我们的免疫系统。I hope the weather improves. Otherwise, we'll have to cancel the picnic.我希望天气会好起来。否则,我们就得取消野餐了。Maybe we'll buy a house when our financial situation improves.等经济状况改善了,我们或许会买幢房子。Wine improves with age.葡萄酒愈久愈醇。Companies are expected to loosen the purse strings as the economy improves.随着经济情况的好转,预计各公司会手头宽裕。When lead is added to petrol, it improves the car's performance.铅加在汽油中可以提高汽车的性能。Many swimmers are videoed during training so they can watch how their performance improves.许多游泳选手训练的时候都拍摄录像,这样他们就可以看到自己进步了多少。The drug improves the long-term outlook of migraine sufferers.坚持服用这种药使偏头痛患者的长期预后有所改善。This exercise improves your coordination, balance, timing and footwork.这项锻炼可以提升你的协调能力、平衡能力、把握时机的能力和步法。Unless the economy improves the firm could go under.如果经济不好转,公司可能会倒闭。This isn't a good time to sell a house. Let's just sit tight and see if the market improves.目前不是售房的好时机。我们不妨静观市场情况,看是否会好转。We're advising all our investors to sit tight till the market improves.我们奉劝我们所有的投资者不要动摇,等待市场复苏。Studies suggest that regular intake of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.研究表明定期服用维生素会显着增强大脑功能。




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