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词汇 improve on
例句 We need to improve on our performance against France.我们需要比对阵法国队时表现得更好。I found that the film improved on the book.我觉得这部电影比原著好看。He feels the team can pick up and improve on where they left off last season.他觉得这支队伍能重整旗鼓,在成绩上比上个赛季有所提高。The manufacturer has never improved on the earliest model of the car.制造商从未对最早的车型进行改进。We hope to improve on last year's performance.我们希望在去年成绩的基础上有所提高。He is looking to improve on his relatively modest achievements so far.目前他业绩平平,但他期待能有所进步。The team will have to improve on today's showing if it is to survive in the competition.该队若不想在比赛中被淘汰还要比今天表现得更好才行。Tom has never improved on his first book.汤姆再也没有写出超过处女作的书来。We've improved on last year's model, making the car safer and easier to control.我们在去年车型的基础上进行了改良,使其更安全且更易操控。The movie version improves on the original play.改写的电影剧本胜过原来的剧本。Whatever is offered by the bank is unlikely to be improved on by any rival suitor.其他竞争收购方不大可能开出比这家银行更高的价码。Safety needs to be improved on all our railways.我们所有的铁路都要加强安全。Mary has never improved on her first book.玛丽再也没有写出比她处女作更好的书来。I'm sure you could improve on your assignment if you spent a little more time on it.如果你稍微多花一点时间的话,我肯定你的作业会做得更好。That's my final offer, and I can't improve on it.这是我出的最高价,我不可能再提价了。After months of study, I improved on my original score.经过数月的学习,我的成绩比以前好了。In some ways this program improves on what has gone before.这个程序在有些方面比以前有了改进。The company will be going all out to improve on last year's sales.公司将全力以赴,争取比去年的销售做得更好。Our techniques are already far advanced and being improved on daily.我们的技术已远远领先,而且正日臻完美。We need to make a concerted effort to improve on our results.我们需要齐心协力才能提高我们的成绩。




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