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词汇 设计出
例句 One of our number has made a very interesting design of flooring, which has won a prize.我们中的一名成员设计出了非常有趣的地板图案,还获了奖。They realized they were reinventing a machine that had been designed a century before.他们这才认识到自己是在重新发明一台早在一个世纪以前就已设计出来的机器。We'll have to develop a better filing system.我们必须设计出一套适当的归档方法。The winning design came from an architect in Glasgow.获奖设计出自格拉斯哥的一名建筑师之手。Mike had worked out an elaborate system for categorizing his collection of CDs.迈克设计出一个复杂的系统来为自己收藏的光盘分类。We hope that an in situ process can be worked out for shale.我们希望能设计出就地提炼油页岩的工艺方法。It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ingenious plan.设计出如此巧妙的方案需有极大的想像力。His design was infinitely better than anything I could have done.他的设计比我所能设计出的不知要好上多少倍。She can design computer programs like nobody's business.她能够又快又好地设计出计算机程序。She has dusted down ancient recipe books to plan appropriate meals.为了设计出合适的菜肴,她重新研究起古旧的食谱。A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.已经设计出一个能帮你计算应得利息的简单数学公式。A rather neat option allows you to design your own fiendish puzzle.只要干净利落地做一个选择,你就能自己设计出难以解开的谜题。It is difficult to design a program that will meet the diverse needs of all our users.设计出满足所有用户各种需求的程序是不容易的。Alberti was the originator of the violin's design even though Stradivari made it famous.阿马蒂是小提琴的设计人,但斯特拉迪瓦里是使这一设计出名的制琴师。




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