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词汇 novel
例句 She hasn't yet titled her novel.她还没有给她的小说定篇题。The novel is constructed from a series of on-the-spot reports.小说是基于一系列现场报道构思而成的。Anita is collecting material for a novel.安妮塔正在收集小说素材。After many rejections, her novel was finally accepted for publication.投稿多次被退回后,她的小说最终得以出版。His acclaimed first novel was an auspicious debut.他备受好评的第一部小说是个吉利的处子秀。Patricia's going to copy her novel onto a flash drive and send it to me.帕特里夏打算把她的小说复制到闪盘上寄给我。She has written an estimable novel.她写了一部令人钦佩的小说。Her novel is historically accurate.她的小说符合史实。Her first novel is still in print. 她的第一部小说如今仍在印行。His latest novel sank like a stone.他的最新小说完全失败了。The novel is comic and tragic.这部小说令人笑中带泪。McMillan's novel gets my vote for hippest book of the year.我认为麦克米伦的小说是全年最时髦的书。Her first novel successfully blends a sense of innocence with overwhelming bitterness.她的第一部小说把纯真感和强烈的愤恨成功地交融在一起。Her novel rocketed to the top of the best-seller list.她的小说一跃登上了畅销书榜首。The success of this novel will help to advance his reputation/status.这部小说的成功将有助于提高他的声誉/地位。She has received a lot of publicity for her latest novel.她因最近发表的小说受到了很多关注。He helped me get the novel off the ground.他帮助我动笔写这部小说。The novel is shapeless and lacks compulsion.这本小说杂乱无章,毫无吸引力。A cohesive plot was sadly lacking from the novel.很遗憾,这部小说的故事情节缺乏连贯性。The novel included several long, dry passages.这部小说有些章节冗长无趣。She is currently researching for her next novel.她现在正为下一部小说做调研工作。She succeeded in her first crack at writing a novel.她第一次尝试写小说就取得了成功。The new Sidney Shelton novel is to be adapted for film later in the year.西德尼·谢尔顿的新小说年内将被改编成电影。This stupendous novel keeps you gripped to the end.这部精彩的小说会让你想一口气读完。Her first novel was good, but I hope her next will be even better.她的第一部小说写得很好,不过我希望她的下一部会更好。The novel is part adventure, part love story.这部小说部分描述冒险经历,部分讲述爱情故事。His latest novel was received with a chorus of alleluias from the critics.他最新的一部小说获得评论家一片溢美之词。The novel itself remains oddly inert.小说本身异常平淡,了无生气。She gave him an autographed copy of the new novel.她送他一本有亲笔签名的新小说。The magazine printed a taster of the author's new novel.杂志刊出了作者新小说的部分样章供试读。Their climactic confrontation brings the novel to a dramatic close.他们之间的冲突达到了顶点,小说以此戏剧化地收尾。Keller's debut novel is about a Korean woman who was sold into prostitution during World War II.凯勒的处女作写的是一名朝鲜妇女在二战期间被卖作妓女的故事。There is no direct reference to her own childhood in the novel.小说里没有直接提及她的童年。The linguistic acrobatics in this novel are astounding.这部小说中的语言技巧令人惊叹。That passage interested me because it seems to parallel very closely what you're doing in the novel.那一段引起了我的关注,因为它似乎与你在小说里所采用的手法非常相似。This novel is a welcome refinement on the American genre of the thriller.这部小说是对美国惊险文学样式一种受人欢迎的改进型作品。He moved to California intending to produce a third novel.他搬到了加州,想创作第三部小说。She has been on my radar since her first novel came out, but I haven't read any of her books.她第一部小说出版时我就注意到她了,但是我从来没看过她的作品。Helen was sitting up in bed, engrossed in a novel.海伦坐在床上全神贯注地看小说。The novel vividly conveys the experience of growing up during the war.这本小说生动地描绘了战时成长的经历。




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