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词汇 议会
例句 The issues will not be resolved during the life of the present parliament.这些问题在本届议会任期内是得不到解决的。The government is preparing to cap the budgets of some local councils.政府正准备对某些地方议会的预算设上限。SkyHawks perform aerial manoeuvres over Parliament Hill.几架天鹰战斗机在渥太华议会山上空表演了特技飞行。The new legislation did not have a smooth ride through Parliament.新法规在议会的通过过程并不顺利。The council has no jurisdiction over these matters.议会无权管这些事情。She was the first woman to take her seat in Parliament.她是第一位在议会任职的女性。The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress.参议院是议会的上院。Most people in Parliament have no hereditary claims to power or status.议会里的大多数人都没有世袭的权力或地位。He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased.他说议会和民主程序已遭贬值。Parliament legislated for the reform.议会为改革立了法。It's now unlikely that future parliaments will bring back the death penalty.现在看来,将来议会不太可能恢复死刑。The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional.摩尔多瓦议会已宣布选举违宪。We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy…我们现在正努力建立明晰的议会民主制。England's northern neighbour now has its own parliament.英格兰的北邻现在有了自己的议会The government wants to cap councils that spend too much.政府拟对开支过高的地方议会规定最高限额。More than half his long service in parliament has been as a cabinet minister.他长期在议会任职,其中大半时间担任内阁部长。We will do everything we can to bring parliament round to our point of view.我们将尽己所能说服议会支持我们的观点。One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law.议会一名反对党议员指责政府意图凌驾于法律之上。The council can send messages or letters or whatnot in Spanish to their constituents.地方议会可以给选民寄送用西班牙语写的通知、信件或诸如此类的东西。The US Congress is roughly equivalent to the British Parliament.美国的国会大致相当于英国的议会The High Court of Parliament began very correctly with a prayer for the Queen.议会最高法院按照常规,开庭前先为女王祈祷。Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament.学生们试图在议会四周围成人墙。Parliament is taking the Christmas recess a little early this year.今年议会的圣诞节休会期会稍稍提早一些。The following year Parliament voted to abolish the death penalty for murder.议会于翌年表决对谋杀罪废除死刑。She says that accepting their proposal would be a compromise of her principles.她说接受他们的提议会违背自己的原则。Such a radical proposal would never get through parliament.如此激进的提案永远不会得到议会的批准。Despite local opposition, the plans for the new supermarket have been cleared by the council.议会不顾当地居民的反对,批准了建新超市的计划。The prime minister is directly responsible to Parliament.首相直接向议会负责。The parliament has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its declaration of independence.绝大多数选票支持议会暂缓宣布其独立。The site abuts property owned by the local council.该地址与一处属于当地议会的地产相邻。The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.立陶宛议会也向联合国递交了一封公开信。It is almost certain that our offer will be rejected.几乎可以肯定,我们的提议会被否决。He was arrested in parliament on charges of subversion for organizing the demonstration.他因组织示威活动在议会上被以颠覆破坏罪名逮捕。Ministers are accountable to Parliament.大臣们向议会负责。The country is moving towards parliamentary democracy.该国正在向议会民主迈进。Congress/Parliament will reconvene after the holiday.国会/议会在假期之后将重新召开。We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime.我们正促使议会顺利通过解决青少年犯罪问题的一项新策略。The emphasis should be shifted more towards Parliament.重点应更多转向议会The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides.首相已听取了她议会助手的简要汇报。The U.S. Congress is the counterpart of the British Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会




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