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词汇 计算机系统
例句 The company is undergoing a conversion to a new computer system.公司正在进行计算机系统的更新。He also deleted files from the computer system.他还从计算机系统里删除了文件。A new computer system entails a lot of retraining.使用新的计算机系统需要大量的再培训。The new computer system is not being fully utilized yet.新的计算机系统还没有充分利用。The new computer system should be in place by next Monday.新的计算机系统下周一应该可以启用了。The new computer system will meet all our requirements.计算机系统将满足我们的全部要求。We have streamlined the whole business by introducing a new computer system.我们引进了一个新的计算机系统,从而提高了整个公司的效率。The new computer system has already proved its worth.新的计算机系统已经证实了它的价值。The whole workforce has adapted to the new computing system with commendable speed.全体员工以值得称道的速度适应新的计算机系统I'm not really au fait with the computer system yet.我还没有真正熟悉这套计算机系统The company needs to update its archaic computer systems.公司需要升级其过时的计算机系统The entire computer system went down.整个计算机系统出了故障。A bug caused the company's computer system to crash.程序缺陷导致公司的计算机系统崩溃。You'll notice a big difference once the new computer system is up and running.一旦新计算机系统运转起来,你就会发现有一个很大的不同之处。We need to bring our computer system up to standard.我们得让计算机系统达到标准。The company has recently changed to a more powerful computer system.公司最近换了一套功能更强大的计算机系统A computer system is used to collate information from across Britain.一种计算机系统被用来核对来自英国各地的信息。We've been having a lot of difficulties with our new computer system.我们使用新计算机系统时遇到了重重困难。The two banks' computing systems were incompatible.这两家银行的计算机系统互不兼容。Our software is becoming a standard component of many computer systems.我们的软件正在成为许多计算机系统的标准组成部分。You will have to upgrade your computer system.你将不得不升级自己的计算机系统We've sorted out the computer system's initial problems.我们已经解决了计算机系统最初出现的问题。He had deleted files from the computer system.他已将文件从计算机系统里删除。She bought some new hardware for her system.她为自己的计算机系统购买了一些新硬件。We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.我们仍在试图解决计算机系统中的一些问题。You can always upgrade a bit further down the road if you want.今后如果你想将计算机系统升级就能升级。They brought in an outside specialist to install the computer system.他们从外面请来了一位专业人员安装这个计算机系统The information is input to our computer system.信息被输入我们的计算机系统中。The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.主席风趣地说,他宁可卖掉他的航空公司,也不愿出售他的计算机系统The office computer system is hopelessly outdated.办公室的计算机系统早就老掉牙了。As computer systems become even more sophisticated, so too do the methods of those who exploit the technology.正如计算机系统变得越来越先进,开发计算机技术的人所用的方法也日益先进了。Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.由于计算机系统不兼容,许多机构通过人工方式进行信息交换。Our new computer system should make the work a lot easier.我们的新计算机系统应该可以使工作方便许多。The new computer system should solve a whole range of problems.新的计算机系统应该能解决一大堆问题。They have developed a computerized system that will greatly assist all library users.他们开发了一种计算机系统,将大大帮助图书馆的所有使用者。The new computer system knocks spots off the old one.新的计算机系统比起旧的要好得多。There are obvious parallels between computer systems and the working of the human brain.计算机系统和人脑的工作有明显的相似之处。You've got a computer system, for heaven's sake.天啊,你已经装了计算机系统They're using a computer system that seems positively medieval by today's standards.依照现在的标准,他们用的计算机系统简直太过时了。We sell computer systems in lots of different configurations.我们出售多种配置不同的计算机系统




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