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词汇 触犯
例句 Friedmann had unwittingly broken the law.弗里德曼无意中触犯了法律。The ship was impounded under the terms of the UN trade embargo.该船因触犯联合国贸易禁运条款而被扣押。They went to prison because they violated the law.他们触犯了法律,因此坐了牢。We sent the culprit to the office and let the principal give him a lesson.我们把触犯校规的学生送到办公室,让校长训他一顿。Discipline was severe, with caning for the smallest offence.惩罚非常严厉,即使最轻微的触犯也要受到鞭笞。He has violated one of the profession's most sacred rules.触犯了该职业最神圣的规则之一。He had a run-in with the law.触犯了法律。Nothing is sacred to these wild youths.在这些桀骜不驯的青年人心目中没有什么事物是不可触犯的。The film breached the criminal libel laws.这部电影触犯了刑事诽谤法。He broke the law, and now he must face the consequences of his actions.触犯了法律,现在必须面对自己的行为带来的后果。The advertisements were offensive to women.那些广告触犯了女性。These were top lawyers, the kind who wouldn't normally soil their hands with police work or criminal law.这些是顶级律师,他们一般不会插手警务和触犯刑法。The police officers exceeded/overstepped their bounds and broke the law.警官僭越权限,触犯了法律。They are unwilling to offend powerful sectorial interests.他们不愿意触犯强大的部门利益。UK plans were deemed to infringe EU law.英国的计划被认为触犯了欧盟的法律。Bad manners may offend.不礼貌可能触犯他人。He broke the law, so he has to suffer the consequences. 触犯了法律,所以要受到惩罚。The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。This article is liable to give offence to many people.这篇文章很可能触犯许多人。The Board has banned the film on the grounds that it contravenes criminal libel laws.委员会决定禁播这部电影,理由是它触犯了刑事诽谤法。All of them had run afoul of the law at some time or other.他们所有人都曾触犯过法律。Anyone who offended against the King used to be relegated to a distant lonely island.从前,凡触犯国王者往往被流放到遥远的孤岛。




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