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词汇 curtain
例句 The movie gives us a peep behind the curtain at a Broadway musical.这部电影让我们得以一窥百老汇音乐剧的幕后情况。You must have been on stage until the final curtain.你肯定在台上一直呆到了演出结束。The shop also offers a curtain-making and fitting service. Quotes and estimates can be prepared by computer on the spot.那家商店还提供窗帘制作和安装服务,而且可以用计算机现场制作报价单和预算书。Could I have six metres of that curtain material?那种窗帘布料给我剪六米,行吗?The couple decided to bring down the curtain on their marriage after 5 years.那对夫妇决定结束五年的婚姻关系。They have drawn the curtain over certain aspects of the situation.他们隐瞒了事态的某些方面。Maria's first appearance was just before the Act Three curtain.玛丽亚的首次登台就在第三幕落幕之前。The actors were poised on the stage, ready for the curtain to come up.演员们在台上摆好姿势,只等大幕开启。The lights went down and the curtain rose on an empty stage.灯光暗下来,帷幕升起,露出一个空荡荡的舞台。I'm looking for a doings to hold up a curtain rail that's fallen down.我在找一个能托住脱落的窗帘杆的东西。The accident brought the curtain down on his career.这起意外事故给他的事业画上了句号。The curtain material has to be treated with some dope.应给那块帘布上些漆胶。The lights dimmed, and the audience went quiet as the curtain rose.灯光暗了下来,幕升起时观众都安静了。The curtain was lifted to reveal the grand prize.幕帘拉起,头等奖赫然亮相。The heavy curtain blanked out the window's light.厚厚的窗帘使窗口射入的光线模糊不清。The curtain pole can be cut to length.这根窗帘杆可以切割成需要的长度。Half-concealed by the curtain, he peered out of the window.他把半个身子藏在窗帘后面,看着窗外。The magic act was just a curtain-raiser for the circus performers.这段魔术只是马戏表演的序幕。He closed the curtain to shut out the sunlight.他拉上窗帘遮住阳光。History has dropped a merciful curtain over the memory of those who urged these insanities.历史已宽容地降下帷幕,使大家不再去回想那些曾鼓动怂恿这些疯狂行为的人们。As the curtain rises, the stage is empty.幕启时,舞台上阒无一人。She hung the curtain on a wooden rod.她把窗帘挂在木杆上。It has integral cords which are pulled up together to pleat the curtain top.窗帘里面有绳子,拉紧便可将帘子上部打褶。They helped me improvise a curtain in front of the toilet.他们帮我在卫生间前临时挂上一个门帘。The curtain rose to reveal a gloomy, sepulchral set for the play.幕布升起,露出剧中一个阴森恐怖的场景。The curtain fell as the play came to an end.当演出结束时,大幕徐徐落下。The nurse pulled a curtain around my bed.护士拉上了我的床位四周的帘子。There was no iron curtain between them and the consumer.他们和消费者之间没有屏障。You need a width and a half for each curtain.你的每幅窗帘需要一幅半布料。When the curtain rises after intermission, the set is bare and the main character finds himself alone.幕间休息过后,大幕再度升起,舞台上空荡荡的,只剩下男主角一人。It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better.可以把它缝到窗帘的褶边里增加重量,使窗帘更有垂感。Owing to its fire-proof characteristics, asbestos is often used to make the main curtain of a stage.由于石棉有防火作用,它经常被用来做舞台的大幕。A curtain of thick dark hair hid her face.浓密的黑发披散下来,遮住了她的脸。A cold draught eddied, so that the curtain over the door swelled out like a sail filled by the wind.一股冷风打着旋儿刮过,门帘被吹得胀起,像一张鼓满了风的帆。The proceeds from the school play will be used to buy a new curtain for the stage.学校演剧的收入将用于购买一幅新的舞台幕布。The lifting of the curtain disclosed a pretty house standing by the riverside.幕启后露出河边的一幢漂亮的房子。The curtain came down after the first act.第一幕过后,幕布落了下来。They were carrying out the plan behind the curtain.他们在秘密地实行那个计划。Before the curtain went up, the dancers took their places on stage.幕启之前,舞蹈演员都在舞台上站好了位置。The house was hidden behind a curtain of smoke.房屋被一层烟幕遮住了。




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