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词汇 curt
例句 She gave a curt reply to his question.她三言两语草草回答了他的问题。Her face clouded over in confusion at his curt tone.他唐突的口气使她不知所措,脸色也沉了下来。Her tone of voice was curt.她的语气很唐突。The assistant behind the counter gave a curt nod.柜台后的售货员匆匆地点了下头。He was abrupt and curt and often downright churlish.他唐突而草率,常常十分无礼。Her story was sent back with a curt rejection note.她写的故事连同一张简慢的退稿短笺被退回来了。With a curt nod, he turned away and sat down.他简慢地点了下头就转身坐下了。His only acknowledgement of her presence was a curt nod.他只是微微点头,对她的出席表示感谢。He dismissed them with a curt nod.他只随便点了一下头就把他们打发走了。She apologized for being so curt with me.她因为如此唐突失礼而向我道歉。Polly was curt and businesslike with her clients.波莉对待客户态度简慢,一副公事公办的样子。The manager was very curt with them and they left feeling not so much chastened as humiliated.经理对他们的态度很简慢,他们离开时觉得与其说是受到了折磨,不如说是侮辱。The ambassador dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.大使敷衍地点了一下头,示意他离开。He sent me a curt note instructing me to appear in his office without delay.他给我送来一张简短的便条,叫我即刻就去他办公室。That dry old voice rapped a curt question at her.那沙嗄又干枯的嗓音冲着她唐突地发问。He gave only a curt reply to the question.他对那个问题只给了个草率的答复。He gave me a curt answer.他用简慢的态度三言两语地回答我。




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