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词汇 pieces
例句 His life fell to pieces after his divorce.离婚后他的人生被毁掉了。We laid the pieces of the dress pattern out on the floor.我们把衣服样品一件一件都摊开在地板上。None of the pieces is insured.没有一件艺术品上过保险。Do you wear your old clothes until they fall to pieces?你一直穿你的旧衣服,直到穿烂了为止吗?Bronnen watched his play being torn to pieces by his idol.布龙宁看着他的剧本被自己的偶像批得一无是处。His clothes were dirty and falling to pieces.他的衣服又脏又破。The mirror shattered into a thousand pieces.镜子摔得粉碎。Bob prefers making original pieces rather than reproductions.鲍勃更喜欢创作原创作品,而不是制作复制品。They smashed it to pieces.他们把它打得粉碎。Nuts and bolts are used to hold pieces of machinery together.螺帽和螺栓用来把机器零件拼装在一起。I glued the pieces of the cup back together.我把杯子碎片黏合起来。The furniture's falling to pieces.这件家具就要散架了。He served pieces of fruit on sticks.他端上了插着签子的水果块。I broke the stick in two/half. = I broke the stick into two pieces.我把棍子折成了两截。We need witnesses to fill in the missing pieces of the jigsaw.在这个错综复杂的谜团里我们还缺少证人。Some of the puzzle pieces are missing.有些拼图块不见了。The vase was now in pieces on the kitchen floor.花瓶已经摔成碎片,散落在厨房的地板上。Thousands of victims of the earthquake are now faced with the task of picking up the pieces of their lives.数以千计的地震灾民现在面临着重建生活的重任。The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together.导言部分试图将各部分硬拼凑在一起。Each passenger was allowed two pieces of luggage.每位乘客可携带两件行李。We had to saw the wood to the right length, and then nail the pieces together.我们得锯下长度正好的木头,再用钉子钉起来。In a gust of uncontrollable anger he broke the picture in pieces.一阵盛怒之下,他将画撕成碎片。The bed comes to pieces, so we can fit it in the car.这张床能拆卸,所以我们可以把它放进车里。She divided the pie into eight pieces.她把派分成八块。The windscreen was in pieces.汽车挡风玻璃成了碎片。She went to pieces when her husband died.丈夫死时她悲痛欲绝,心力交瘁。The old bridge was blown to pieces during the war.那座老桥在战争中被炸毁了。Keeping busy was the only thing that kept her from going to pieces during the divorce.不让自己有一刻空闲的时间是她办离婚手续时避免精神崩溃的唯一方法。I was so nervous in my driving test I just went to pieces.驾驶考试时,我紧张得简直要崩溃了。Let me get my bits and pieces together.让我把零散的东西收拾一下。Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register.艺术品失窃登记处已经将这些艺术品的描述信息输入到计算机里。He tried to fit the pieces of evidence together to make a coherent whole.他试图将各项证据拼合成一个连贯的整体。In his fury he tore the letter to pieces.他盛怒之下把信撕得粉碎。The old wreck had been smashed to pieces on the island's rocks.那艘失事的旧船在该岛的岩石上撞成了碎片。The cup dropped on the floor and smashed into pieces.杯子掉在地上,摔得粉碎。The plate broke to pieces when it fell on the floor.盘子落在地上摔碎了。The cheese was cut into small pieces and arranged on a silver platter.奶酪被切成了小块放在大银盘上。The critics snipped the play into little pieces.批评家们断章取义地把剧本搞得支离破碎。The pieces of the puzzle/mystery are finally starting to fall into place.这个谜团/秘密的零散信息终于开始明朗起来。Investigators are looking through pieces of the wreckage for any clues about the crash.调查人员在残骸碎片中寻找失事的原因。




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