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词汇 解救
例句 Many expect the central government to come to the assistance of the ailing industry.许多人都指望中央政府来解救这个不景气的行业。She prayed for deliverance as the famine got worse.随着饥荒的加重,她祈求得到解救Rescuers worked around the clock to free people trapped in the wreckage.救生员日夜奋战,解救困在沉船里面的人们。Rescue workers were sent to relieve the trapped coal miners.抢险人员被派去解救被困在井下的煤矿工人。Buried under debris for hours, he was still got out.在废墟下埋了几个小时,他仍然被解救了出来。Several survivors were extricated from the wreckage.有几名幸存者从废墟中被解救了出来。Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists.救援部门一直在日夜不停地工作,解救被困司机。He will be haunted forever by his failed attempt to rescue the children.未能成功解救孩子们的经历将使他永难释怀。The men were released by firemen after becoming trapped in a lift.消防队员解救出了困在电梯中的人。He had rescued her from a horrible life.他把她从可怕的生活中解救了出来。Rescuers managed to free the trapped climbers.救援人员设法解救出了被困的登山者。Your salvation depends on quick action.你要得到解救全赖于赶快行动。Firefighters with heavy lifting gear battled to free the survivors from the wreckage.消防队员带上很重的升降起重装置,奋力解救废墟里面的幸存者。It took workers several minutes to free him from the wreckage.工人们花了几分钟将他从残骸中解救了出来。He was saved from the electric chair by a last-minute reprieve.最后一刻的死刑缓刑令把他从电椅上解救了下来。The reinforcements were sent to the relief of a besieged town.增援部队被派去解救被围困的城镇。The government should continue to use its influence for the release of all hostages.政府应继续运用其影响力来解救所有人质。The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims.这笔款项是用于解救洪水灾民的困苦的。She saved a tense situation by staying calm.她保持镇定,解救了危局。Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.汽车残骸熊熊燃烧,三人葬身火海,救援人员奋力解救被困的司机们。The idea of going to his rescue amused her.她一想到要去解救他就觉得好笑。Rescue services have been working around the clock to free stranded motorists.救援部门在昼夜不停地解救被困的司机。Rescuers worked tirelessly to free the survivors from the rubble.救援人员不知疲倦地努力从碎石瓦砾中解救幸存者。Rescuers are doing everything that is humanly possible to free the trapped people.救援人员正在尽其所能来解救被困的人们。I locked myself out but Yuki had her keys and saved the day.我把自己锁在门外,还好尤纪有钥匙,解救了我。They succeeded in freeing their friends from prison.他们成功地解救了关在牢里的朋友。




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