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例句 His old truck, knocking and smoking, pulled down the road and out of sight.他那辆旧卡车一边冒着烟一边哐里哐啷地沿路向前驶去,直到驶出了视线The pole was right in my line of vision. 那根杆正好在我的视线内。She focused on a shadowy silhouette in the haze.她慢慢将视线对准薄雾中一个模糊的轮廓。Jane blocked Cross's vision and he could see nothing.简挡住了克罗斯的视线,他什么也看不见。Her eyes blurred with tears.他的视线因泪水变得模糊不清。His old truck, knocking and smoking, pulled out of sight.他的旧卡车,轰隆轰隆冒着烟,驶出了视线I stared at the man, couldn't tear my eyes away.我盯着这个男人,无法将视线移开。His neighbors built a wall that obstructed his view of the ocean.邻居砌了一堵墙,挡住了他看海的视线Nina couldn't take her eyes off Philip.尼娜无法将她的视线从菲利普身上移开。Someone was standing in my line of vision so I couldn't see the screen.有人挡住了我的视线,所以我看不到屏幕。He couldn't tear his eyes away from the TV. 他无法把视线从电视机上移开。The crowd cheered as the President's motorcade came into sight.总统的车队进入了视线,人群欢呼了起来。The fireplace is usually the focal point of the living room.在客厅里,壁炉通常是视线的焦点。On South Main Street, a huge brick building looms into view.在南大街上,一座巨大的砖砌建筑赫然出现在人们的视线中。Her view of the game was obscured by a post.一根柱子挡住了她观看比赛的视线He was trying to keep out of the bird's line of sight.他企图避开小鸟的视线The conductor's eyes darted to Wilfred, then fixed on Michael again.乐队指挥飞快地扫了威尔弗雷德一眼,然后视线又落回到迈克尔身上。A woman in a very large hat was blocking my view of the parade.一个戴着大帽子的女子挡着我的视线,妨碍我观看游行。Any crack in a car windscreen always seems to be right in the driver's line of vision.挡风玻璃的任何裂缝看起来总在司机的视线范围内。Don't let the puppy out of your sight.别让小狗离开你的视线A tall woman in the front row was blocking my view.前排一个高个子的女人挡住了我的视线Her gaze gradually drifted to the bookshelf.她的视线渐渐转移到了书架上。She lifted her eyes from the book.她从书本上抬起视线The ship disappeared from view.船从视线中消失了。She was standing right in my line of sight/vision. 她正好挡住了我的视线The tree was blocking the view from our window, and we asked a neighbour to chop it down.那棵树挡住了我们窗口的视线,我们请邻居将它砍倒。The President needed to divert attention away from his own economic record.总统需要将人们的视线从他以往在经济上的表现上转移开。His eyes shifted to the prone body on the floor.他的视线移向了趴在地上的尸体。The woman had hardly taken her eyes off him all evening.那个女人的视线整夜几乎没有离开过他。…The new building cuts across our view.新大楼挡住了我们的视线I always make sure I keep the children in view whenever we're in a public place.在公共场所我总是要确保孩子们在我的视线之内。They have deliberately confused the general public with their claims.他们故意用自己的要求混淆大众的视线He says he is used to brickbats because he has been in public life for so long.他说自己长久以来一直生活在公众的视线中,因此已经习惯了各种批评的声音。Tears blurred my vision.泪水模糊了我的视线The airplane passed out of sight.飞机飞出了视线The thieves used smoke bombs to create a diversion.窃贼使用了烟幕弹来转移人们的视线The goalie was screened on that play. 那次比赛中守门员的视线被挡住了。I took my eyes off the road for one second.有一小会儿我把视线从路面上移开。She raised her eyes from the newspaper when he came in.他走进来时,她把视线从报纸上抬起来。The house dropped out of sight as we drove over the hill.我们开车越过山丘后,那所房子淡出了我们的视线




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