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例句 He mooched ideas from various Christian, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian sects.他从基督教、佛教和索罗亚斯德教的不同教派窃取观点OK, but I don't see how that proves your point.好,但我不明白那如何能证明你的观点He was an easygoing man of very moderate views.他的观点非常温和,容易相处。He has a narrow legalistic view of the controversy.对于这场争论,他持墨守法规的狭隘观点That idea has been kicked around before.那个观点之前曾非正式地讨论过。The revolution of the earth around the sun was proposed by Copernicus.地球围绕太阳旋转这一观点是哥白尼提出的。Would you say that his views were representative of the majority of French voters?你认为他的观点代表了大多数的法国选民吗?The Labour Party has to be a broad church.工党必须能海纳百川,包容各种观点This view was not widely held.这种观点并不普遍。He vigorously defended his point of view.他极力为自己的观点辩护。I respect his views, although I do not agree with them.我尊重他的观点,虽然我不敢苟同。She quoted from texts on anorexia nervosa and summarized the ideas contained therein.她引用了有关神经性厌食症的文章的内容,总结了其中的主要观点I know my opinion is shared by many of my comrades in the Labour movement.我知道许多参加工人运动的同志都和我有相同的观点To bolster up their case, they quoted a speech by Ray Gun.为了支持自己的观点,他们引用了雷伊·冈的话。Everyone has a different opinion about what to do.每个人对于该做什么都有不同的观点This extreme view hasn't captured popular opinion.这种偏激的观点未被大众接受。The substance of Marx's views is the same in both of these books.马克思观点的中心意思在这两本书中是相同的。She described a hypothetical case to clarify her point.她描述了一个假设的案例来阐明她的观点They were blacklisted because of their extreme views.他们因极端观点而被列入了黑名单。They have accepted the idea in principle.他们基本上已接受了这种观点He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across.他拿出他们当地报纸上的半页广告来说明他的观点We share his view that business can be a positive force for change.我们同意他的观点,认为商业可以成为促进变革的一种积极力量。The war is described from the vantage point of those on the winning side.这场战争是从胜利一方的观点来描述的。The iconoclasm of his views made him unpopular.反传统的观点使他不受欢迎。His ideas met with a hostile reception.他的观点遭到强烈反对。Sufficient research evidence exists to support this contention.有足够的调查证据支持这个观点He condemned the descriptivist view of language as an "Anything Goes" school.他把语言描写主义观点斥为一种“随心所欲”的做派。I don't accept the popular view that all criminals should be put in prison.我不赞成普遍所认为的所有犯罪分子都应入狱的观点We asked our readers to write in and give us their views.我们请读者们给我们来信说说他们的观点The Sami have strong views on environmental matters.萨米人在环境问题上观点很鲜明。We'll soon get him round to our point of view.我们会很快说服他接受我们观点的。The idea has been around for ages without catching on.这个观点已经提出来有年头了,可是一直没被广泛接受。Please give a few examples to illustrate your point.请举一些例子说明你的观点We aren't shy about expressing our point of view.我们不会羞于表明我们的观点Their ideas seem to echo our own.他们似乎是在重复我们的观点I can't go all the way with some of the details of your argument.我不能完全同意你论据中的某些观点I think you are taking too narrow a view.我觉得你的观点太狭隘了。Do you agree with me that the plan won't work?这个计划行不通,你同意我的观点吗?The book is the articulation of his vision.这本书表达了他的观点We don't see eye to eye on business issues.我们在生意上观点互不相同。




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