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词汇 见报
例句 The whole sordid affair came out in the press.这桩龌龊的桃色事件见报了。If it gets into the newspaper he'll be put on the spot.这件事一旦见报,他可就难堪了。The affair was covered up and never reached the papers.这一事件被隐瞒了起来,始终没有见报When will this important report hit the papers?这篇重要报道什么时候见报?After the newspaper story appeared his reputation was in tatters.事情见报后,他的名誉大大受损。Some newspapers still refuse to print certain swear words.有些报纸仍然拒绝某些脏话见报News of the mid-air collision reached the papers quickly.飞机空中相撞的消息很快就见报了。Most of what she said in the interview was unprintable.她在采访中说的话大部分都不能见报Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.托尼现在一下子成了众人关注的中心,因为他有一份经常出镜、见报的工作。A lot of the paper's stories were firsts.这家报纸的许多报道都是首次见报的新闻。The stories have broken into print.那些内情已被披露见报He went to great lengths to keep their name out of the papers.他想方设法不让他们的名字见报




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