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词汇 要么
例句 Stay at home and watch TV or go to the party with us. You cannot eat your cake and have it.要么待在家里看电视,要么跟我们去参加舞会,你只能二者选其一。It's a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs.只有两个选择:要么是报酬很低的工作,要么就是失业。The choice lay between fighting or surrendering. 要么选择战斗,要么选择投降。You are either a total genius or else you must be absolutely raving mad.要么是个不折不扣的天才,要么就是完全疯了。Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation.罪犯可以选择要么坐牢,要么当众受辱。The plan cannot be amended - the state legislature must either vote it up or vote it down.这项计划无法修改——州立法机关必须要么赞成要么反对。I'll put on the kettle for tea. Or boil up some coffee.我烧壶水沏茶。要么煮些咖啡。They gave money to the Conservative Party either personally or through their companies.他们要么以个人名义要么通过他们的公司捐钱给了保守党。They didn't leave him much option - either he paid or they'd beat him up.他们没有给他多少选择余地——要么付钱,要么挨揍。He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.要么是英雄,要么是恶棍,这取决于你如何看了。You're either for/with me or against me! 要么支持我,要么反对我。Either he escaped, or he came to grief. In any case, he was never seen again.要么逃掉了,要么遭到了不测。不管怎么样,反正再也没有人见过他。He either ignored questions or gave irrelevant answers.要么不回答问题,要么给出不相关的答案。He was unwilling or unable to pay the fine.他是不愿意付这笔罚款,要么就是付不起。The manager had us over a barrel – either we work on a Saturday or we lose our jobs.经理迫使我们就范,要么星期六上班,要么丢掉工作。She faced the stark choice of backing the new plan or losing her job.她面临要么支持新计划、要么丢掉工作的残酷抉择。They were to surrender immediately or face total annihilation.他们要么立刻投降,要么面临被全歼的命运。Paul divides most of his spare time between the study and his bedroom.保罗在大部分空闲时间里要么呆在书房里,要么呆在卧室里。He was faced with a conjuncture in which he must either fight or run.他面临了要么战斗要么逃跑的紧急关头。He basically has two options: he can have the surgery, or he can give up playing football.他大致有两种选择:要么动手术,要么放弃踢球。Either you can talk to him, or I will.要么你跟他谈,要么我去。He's either a liar or he's incredibly ill-informed.要么在撒谎,要么无知得令人难以置信。It's either me or her. You can't have it both ways.要么我,要么她,你不可能两个人都要。I named my price. They can ante up or get out of the game.我出了价,他们要么付钱,要么退出游戏。Either he forgot about the meeting or he deliberately stayed away – I don't know which.要么是他忘了要开会,要么是他故意躲开,我不清楚是哪一种情况。Play ball and agree to the peace plan or condemn your people to poverty and war.要么进行合作,同意和平计划;要么让你们的人民陷入贫困和战争。They are either swimming or canoeing, I don't know which.他们要么在游泳,要么在划皮划艇,我不确定。You should water plants either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.要么早上起来给花草浇水,要么临睡之前浇。The new evidence was either not available or was willfully ignored.这一新的证据要么是以前没有找到过,要么是存心忽略了的。He either suffocated, or froze to death.要么是闷死的,要么是冻死的。You have to decide where you stand on this issue - you're either with me or against me.你得决定在这件事上的立场——要么支持我,要么反对我。I usually drink either coke or beer.一般我要么喝可乐,要么喝啤酒。You are either very young or an incurable optimist.要么是年轻气盛,要么就是个无可救药的乐天派。They've been told: take the lower interest rate, or lump it.有人告诉他们,要么接受更低的利率,要么就这样。You're either with us or against us.要么支持我们,要么反对我们。You'll either have to let that skirt out or lose some weight.你只能要么把那件裙子改大,要么减减肥。The outer surface, except for slight inequalities, may be either smooth to the touch or harsh.除了略微不齐整外,外表面摸起来要么光滑,要么粗糙。He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them.他似乎要么怕女人要么就对她们怀有浪漫想法。Either my headlights have fused or the bulbs have gone.要么是车前灯的保险丝断了,要么是灯泡坏了。Relax on the beach or enjoy the hustle and bustle of the busy fishing port.要么在海滩上尽情放松,要么去观赏一下繁忙的渔港中那熙来攘往的景象。




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