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词汇 curious
例句 He felt a curious mixture of excitement and panic.他有一种奇怪的感觉,既兴奋又惊慌。People are curious to know what makes British men tick.让人好奇的是英国人做事动力何在。Both of them looked at him with that curious, slightly amused and even arch expression.他们俩都看着他,带着一副好奇的、有点觉得好笑甚至是淘气的表情。She did not wish to seem curious about her neighbour's affairs.她不想显出爱打听邻居事情的样子。The visitors were soon surrounded by a crowd of curious children.来访者很快就被一群好奇的小孩子包围了起来。We're curious about why you never called us.我们很想知道为什么你从来不给我们打电话。There are curious parallels between medicine and law.医学和法律之间有些奇特的相似之处。The boy was curious about everything he saw.那男孩对所见的一切都感到好奇。I'm not being nosy, I'm just curious.我倒不是爱管闲事,只不过是好奇罢了。She found a curious old clock in the attic.她在阁楼找到一个奇特的旧钟。The curious reader can find more information in the back of the book.好奇的读者能在书的末尾部分找到更多信息。I was dimly aware that dozens of curious people were looking at us.我迷迷糊糊地感觉到有数十个人在好奇地看着我们。This gives their surface a curious prickly feel.这使得它们的表面有一种奇怪的扎手感觉。A crowd of curious onlookers soon gathered to see what was happening.很快聚拢了一群好奇的围观者看发生了什么事。His mind shows a curious slant.他的思想显示出奇怪的偏向。I am very curious about the ideation of this project. Can you elaborate on that?我对于这个专案的观念构成极感好奇。你能细说一下吗? I'm curious, that's all.我感到很好奇,仅此而已。It is curious, in any event, why their decision bothers him so much.无论如何,让人好奇的是,为什么他们的决定会使他如此烦心。I remembered the curious expectant light in his eyes.我记得他眼中闪动着的好奇、期盼的光。In the taxi home I feel a curious melancholy.乘出租车回家时,我感到一阵莫名的忧郁。I'm curious to know more about her.我很想对她有进一步的了解。Even young children often become curious about drugs.就连小孩子也常常对毒品感到好奇。Their music is a curious blend of disco and rock.他们的音乐是迪斯科和摇滚乐的奇特组合。I'm just curious to know what you think.我想知道你的看法仅仅是出于好奇。She was curious as to why he was there.她好奇他为什么会在那儿。He was curious to find out why she had left her job so suddenly.他很想知道她为何会突然辞职。He still has a curious and youthful spirit. 他仍旧有一种好奇、活泼的性格。I don't want to put you on the spot, but I'm really curious about how you know Tim.我不是要故意为难你,我只是很好奇你是怎么认识蒂姆的。The interior was shielded from the curious gaze of passers-by.屋子内部被挡上了,以防路人好奇地张望。It's a curious sensation, knowing that your death is approaching soon.知道自己将不久于人世是一种很奇怪的感觉。Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.史蒂夫非常想了解我以前生活的那个世界。The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern.游行盛典将会是古老与现代的奇特融合。During my turn on the lake I noticed a curious fact.轮到我值班管湖的时候我看到一件怪事。Though Lloyd George's behaviour seemed curious, Haig still did not smell a rat.尽管劳埃德·乔治的行为古怪,黑格仍然没有任何怀疑。Life in the village was a curious combination of the old and the very new.这个村子里的生活很奇特,有很古老的习俗,也有最新的时尚。Puppies are naturally curious.小狗天生好奇。Despite his air of blasé , there was something childlike and curious about Andy Warhol.安迪·沃霍尔尽管摆出一副满不在乎的样子,却有一种孩子般的、好奇的神态。I heard a curious noise last night.昨晚我听见一个奇怪的响声。There is a curious thing about her writings in this period.她在这期间的著作与以往有所不同。Children are curious about everything.儿童对什么都感到好奇。




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