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词汇 裤子上
例句 I stood up, brushing crumbs from my trousers.我站起来,掸掉裤子上的碎屑。Your trousers are full of holes!你的裤子上到处是洞!My hands, boots and trousers were plastered with mud.我的双手、靴子和裤子上都沾满了泥巴。Her pants were splotched with paint. 她的裤子上有大块的油漆污渍。He wiped his floury hands on his pants.他在裤子上擦了擦沾了面粉的手。He hooked his thumb through a loop of his pants.他用大拇指钩着裤子上的裤襻。You've got splashes of mud on your pants.裤子上溅了泥浆。His pants were spotted with mud. 裤子上有些泥点。He wore a hole in his pants.裤子上磨出了一个洞。There were flecks of mud on my trousers after the walk in the woods.我在树林里散步后裤子上留下了泥土斑。His trousers were spotted with mud.他的裤子上有泥渍。My trousers got covered in mud, but luckily I was able to brush them clean.我的裤子上沾满了泥,不过幸运的是我能够把它们刷干净。Let's have a look at the label on those trousers. Are they washable?我们来看看那条裤子上的标签,能不能水洗?There's a hole in your trousers.你的裤子上有个洞。He was picking bits of fluff off his trousers.他在揪裤子上的绒疙瘩。My boots and trousers were plastered with mud.我的靴子和裤子上沾满了泥巴。There was no press left in his pants.裤子上烫出的折痕消失了。He dusted his trousers.他掸掉裤子上的尘土。




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