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词汇 一户
例句 It was a single parent household.这是一户单亲家庭。He found lodgings with a family near the university.他在大学附近的一户人家找到了住处。He was later placed with a foster family.后来他被安置在一户寄养家庭里。I lodged at a farmhouse.我在一户农舍住宿。We grew up two doors apart. 我们一起长大,两家中间只隔着一户人家。The cable TV company sent out direct mail to every household in their service area.有线电视公司向所辖服务区域内的每一户人家都发了信件。The book chronicles the travails of a rural California family.这本书记录了加州农村一户人家的艰辛。She found a job as a nanny with a wealthy Italian family.她找到一份在一户富有的意大利家庭当保姆的工作。The actress was found disheveled and confused in a Los Angeles back yard.那女演员在洛杉矶一户人家的后院里被发现时,衣冠不整,神情恍惚。A new family has/have moved in next door.隔壁新搬来一户人家。John lodged with a family in Bristol when he first started work.约翰刚开始工作时寄住在布里斯托尔的一户人家家里。As a child in the care of a local authority he had been boarded out with a farmer in Shropshire.他童年时由地方政府照管,曾被送到什罗普郡的一户农民家里寄宿。I have rented the house out to a very nice family.我把房子出租给了一户很好的人家。Police went to an address in Sinclair Street in answer to a complaint.警察来到辛克莱街一户人家调查一宗投诉。She lives in a house two doors down/up from me. 她家和我家只隔着一户人家。




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