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词汇 一扇
例句 The burglar got into the house through an unlocked window.窃贼从一扇未锁的窗户钻进了屋。Hales lived in a tiny, airless room with one small window that wouldn't open.黑尔斯住在一个不通风的小房间里,房间里有一扇小小的窗,但是打不开。I saw a light come on in an upstairs window.我看见楼上一扇窗户里的灯亮了。The entrance was blocked by a gate.入口被一扇大门挡住。He fell and accidentally put his hand through a window.他摔倒了,手不小心砸穿了一扇窗户。A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear.一扇高大的门挡住了通往后面的唯一入口。There is not a door, nor a window, that shuts close.没有一扇门窗能关严。I stopped at a low oak door set in the stone wall.我在一扇安装在石墙上的橡木矮门边停了下来。One of the shutters broke loose during the storm.暴风雨中一扇百叶窗松动了。The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.唯一的亮光来自对面墙上高处的一扇小窗子。It's very close in here: let's open a window.这儿太闷了,咱们打开一扇窗户吧。Almost every window was broken.几乎每一扇窗子都破了。Eventually they reached a pair of ornately carved doors.他们最终来到一扇雕刻精美的对开门前。The big door has a wicket in it.大门上装有一扇小门。A large window ran along the far wall.一扇巨大的窗户沿着远处的墙壁延伸。A window opened in the fog and we could finally see the ocean.迷雾仿佛开了一扇窗,我们终于看到了海洋。There was a stained-glass window with the family coat of arms.一扇饰有家族盾形纹章的彩色玻璃窗。The bird crossed with one waft of the wing.鸟儿翅膀一扇就飞越过去了。She pushed open a creaky door.她推开一扇嘎吱作响的门。There is little point putting an indestructible door in a frame that will rot in 10 years.门框十年就会烂掉,装一扇牢不可破的门就没有多大意义了。Cracks appeared in the wall and a door jammed shut.墙上出现了裂缝,一扇门卡住打不开了。She opened a window to freshen up the room.她打开一扇窗户给屋里换换空气。The burglar got in through an unlocked window.窃贼从一扇未上锁的窗户钻了进来。Visitors enter through a side entrance.游客从一扇侧门进入。The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system.闯入者砸碎一扇窗户进入室内,然后破坏了报警系统。The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door.这幅画描绘的厅堂如此逼真,若不细看,还真以为是从一扇开着的门往里看呢。The police managed to gain access through an upstairs window.警察设法从楼上的一扇窗户进入了屋子。The apparition ran silently across the lobby and disappeared through a window.那幽灵悄无声息地跑过大厅,穿过一扇窗户就消失了。Banners hung from every window.一扇窗户都挂出了标语。We have one of those doors in the kitchen that slides open.我们厨房的门中有一扇装的是那种滑动开关的。Sammler opened a big glass door and found himself in an empty lobby.萨姆勒打开一扇很大的玻璃门,发现自己身处一个空荡荡的大堂之中。They leaned over a gate.他们从一扇大门后探出身来。A whole side of bacon was hanging from a hook on the ceiling.天花板的钩子上挂着整整一扇咸猪肉。I'd like to open a window, unless anyone has any objections.如果没有人反对,我想开一扇窗。The only source of illumination was a single small window.唯一透光的地方是一扇小窗户。He once broke a window of his grandfather's greenhouse with a football.他有一次踢足球打破了他爷爷的温室的一扇窗户。The room's only illumination came from a small window.房间里唯一的亮光来自一扇小窗户。A thin partition separates the two rooms in the cabin.一扇薄薄的隔板将舱内的两个房间隔开。The thieves gained entrance through an upstairs window that was left open.窃贼是从楼上一扇开着的窗户钻进来的。The pilot was almost sucked from the cockpit when a window shattered.飞机上一扇窗户破碎时,飞行员差点被从驾驶舱中卷出。




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