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词汇 装饰
例句 The inside of the house was wreathed in holiday decoration.屋内装饰着节日的花环。Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter.用些圆形小金属片或发光小亮片装饰这件女式短上衣。The flowers were placed in a beautifully decorated vase.花插在一个装饰得非常漂亮的花瓶里。We festooned the halls with leaves and white lights.我们用树叶和白光灯装饰了大厅。I rather like the decorative effect.我倒很喜欢装饰的效果。The room was decorated in brown.房间被装饰成了咖啡色的。The house is decorated in a pastiche of Asian styles.这所房屋的装饰是各种亚洲风格的大杂烩。The decorations were very chintzy. 这些装饰非常俗气。The furniture and decor are all in the best possible taste.家具和装饰都是最有品味的。The room was austere, nearly barren of furniture or decoration.房间很朴素,几乎没有家具和装饰They twined the archway with flowers.他们在拱门上装饰了一圈鲜花。Paint your own designs on terracotta planters.在赤陶花盆上绘上你自己的装饰图案。The town was festooned with flags.旗帜装饰着小镇。The hall is decorated in bright orangey-red with black and gold woodwork.整个大厅用鲜艳的橘红色装饰,木建部分是黑色和金色。We decorated the Christmas tree with colored lights.我们用彩灯装饰圣诞树。This year Pat decided to get into the spirit and decorate her house for Halloween.今年帕特决心高高兴兴地把屋子装饰一番过万圣节。I decorated the cake with glacé cherries.我在蛋糕上放了些糖渍樱桃作装饰The room had been decorated with great taste.房间装饰得很有品味。Garnish it with a slice of lemon.用一片柠檬来装饰这道菜。Brass pans added a decorative touch to the plain brick wall.铜锅给单调的砖墙增加了些许装饰Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。The exercise rooms are decorated with murals of tropical jungles in the style of Haitian primitives.健身房里装饰着几幅海地原始派画家的热带丛林壁画。Her bedroom was decorated in soft shades of pink and blue.她的卧室用柔和的粉红色和蓝色装饰The floor is decorated with an inset of marble tiles.地板镶嵌了大理石砖装饰Look at the beautiful decorations on this side of the coin.你看硬币的这一面,装饰图案很漂亮。Most plants are planted purely for decoration.大多数植物都是为了装饰才种的。The house is decorated with objets d'art from around the world.这个房子里装饰着来自世界各地的小工艺品。They wasted no time in decorating their new apartment. 他们立即开始装饰新公寓。Such decoration was a typical feature of the baroque period.这种装饰是巴罗克时期的特徵。The lobby is decorated in pastels.大堂的装饰采用柔和的色调。The room was decorated in very strong colours.房间装饰的色调非常亮丽。The vase has a fancy decoration on one side.这个花瓶的一面有一个精美的装饰We'll need to tart the place up a bit.我们需要把这个地方稍稍装饰一下。Paintings look best against a simple white wall.画挂在没有任何装饰的白墙上看上去效果最好。His office is festooned with newspaper clippings.他的办公室是用剪报装饰的。The recesses are decorated with gold stars, with smaller stars painted along the edges.那些壁龛用金色的星星作装饰,边缘则用漆绘着小一些的星星。The hotel is decorated imaginatively and attractively.这家酒店装饰得别具一格,引人入胜。The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close.这些窗帘纯粹用来装饰,不能开合。The carver roughed out the supporters and mantling before touching the scroll.雕刻师在动手刻出涡卷形装饰之前先雕刻出纹章中持盾牌的人形和盾环垂饰的大致模样。The street was decked with flags for the royal wedding.为了庆祝皇家婚礼,人们用旗子装饰街道。




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