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词汇 装箱
例句 Strawberries are usually boxed before being shipped to market.草莓通常装箱后再运往市场出售。Tanks must be completely drained of fuel before the vehicles are crated.车辆在装箱前必须把油箱里的燃油完全排干。I cased my books for shipping.我把我的书装箱待运。The equipment was crated today and will be shipped tomorrow.设备今天装箱了,明天将起运。The oranges were boxed and sent off quickly.桔子装箱后即行运走。The best idea is to box everything before you move.最好的办法就是在搬家前把所有的东西先装箱打包。Snip the vine tomatoes off their stalks and pack them into a container.将西红柿带蔓从茎上剪下,然后装箱The fishermen were separating, boxing and icing the fish.渔民们正在把鱼分拣、装箱和加冰保鲜。Pack the apples carefully so that they won't get bruised.把苹果小心装箱,别使它们受到损伤。Marcia was still upstairs, dithering over what she should pack.马西娅还在楼上,对该拿哪些东西装箱带上仍然拿不定主意。They offered me a job packing goods in a warehouse.他们给了我一份在仓库装箱的工作。Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱




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