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词汇 装甲
例句 These grenades are able to pierce the armour of tanks.这些手榴弹可以击穿坦克的装甲The gun fires a shell capable of piercing the armour of an enemy tank.这种炮发射的炮弹能穿透敌人坦克的装甲An armoured battalion was sent to relieve the besieged town.那个城市被困,一个装甲营被派去解围。Hand-held guns proved no match for heavy armor.手持枪械根本无法同重型装甲抗衡。Small armored task forces had reconnoitered the area.一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。The armoured infantry-carriers followed, guns blazing.装甲步兵车跟在后面,不停地开枪扫射。The shots penetrated/pierced the tank's armor.枪弹射穿了坦克的装甲The latest model will be armoured to withstand explosions.最新型号将以装甲来抵御爆炸冲击。The squadron's armour is draped in sand-coloured nets that melt into the landscape.装甲连的装甲车上罩着沙色的网,和周围的风景融为一体。The troops were backed by tanks, artillery, and other heavy armour.部队有坦克、大炮以及其他的重型装甲战车作后盾。The majority of the shells struck armour and simply glinted off.大多数炮弹击中了装甲,只是一擦而过。The Army provided armour kits so mechanics in the field could plate the trucks.军队提供了装甲工具包,以便机械师可以在野外给卡车覆盖上钢板。




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