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Foreigners have become targets for attack by terrorists.外国人成了恐怖分子的袭击目标。He was targeted by terrorists for a second time last night.他昨晚第二次成为恐怖分子的袭击目标。Holding a US passport makes these tourists a prime target for terrorists.这些旅游者持有美国护照,这使他们成了恐怖分子首要的袭击目标。German intelligence expected Japan to launch a surprise attack on the US, and Pearl Harbor was the likely target.德国情报机构预计日本会对美国发动突袭,袭击目标可能是珍珠港。The army headquarters had been targeted and badly damaged.陆军总部成了袭击目标,遭到了严重破坏。Rebel troops have confined their attacks mainly to the southern part of the country.叛军把袭击目标限定在国家的南部地区。 |